Adding calendar to page template

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    Hello, I finally have the time to upgrade to 3.0+ but I am having some issues. with the <3.0 versions I was able to design a page template for my theme that included the calendar grid. It was fairly simple because it just required copying some code from grid.php

    In the new version it appears there are about 6 PHP files that make up the calendar grid and I am having trouble piecing them together to build the calendar.

    Is there a PHP code that will call the calendar grid files and build it on my page template?

    Why not use the you ask? My theme is dependent on the pages “featured image”. It does not appear there is a place to add a featured image to my standard events page. I also have more control over where it appears in my navigation when using an actual wordpress page.


    Hi @golfland,

    It’s certainly possible and tribe_get_view() is going to be your friend here – however to make it fully operational you would also need to take care of enqueuing supporting Javascript and CSS files.

    For that reason this is very much regarded as an advanced customization and one we’ll primarily have to leave in your hands. It is however a popular feature request and we’d encourage you to add your own voice in support of this over on our UserVoice page.

    Does that help, or at least give you a direction you can explore?


    Not really, the new documentation I think could only be understood if you actually wrote the events calendar plugin. The old documentation was more simple and concise and provided examples. I don’t see anything on your link that would help fix my site since upgrading. Anyone willing to write a PHP code that outputs the calendar for a fee?


    We’d certainly consider it an advanced customization.

    If you need support from a suitable freelancer, please email us at pro (at) tri (dot) be and we’ll happily furnish you with a list of folks we recommend. As there isn’t much else we can offer I will go ahead and close this thread.


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