Adding AJAX to Week view

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  • #909458
    Butch Roy

    I would like to add AJAX to my custom Week view, in a manner identical to that of the Mini Calendar Widget. So in looking at the tribe-events-mini-ajax.js file, I could not find where the variable “TribeMiniCalendar.ajaxurl” is defined. Can you help me out?



    I can help point you in the right direction on this.

    That variable is being created by the WordPress function wp_localize_script:

    That specific variable for the js file you reference is from this file:


    Look for this function wp_localize_script between line 200 and 215.

    Let me know if you have any follow up questions. I will be able to ask a question or to, but not provide much more then that on the customization.


    Butch Roy

    Cool, that helps. Another question: can I create a custom class file in that folder without it being erased during an upgrade?

    Also, where is the Ajax code for the Previous Week/Next Week actions in the Week view?


    Great glad it helps. See my answers below:

    Cool, that helps. Another question: can I create a custom class file in that folder without it being erased during an upgrade?

    I am afraid not. WordPress deletes the entire plugin’s directory when updating. It is best to put the coding in a custom plugin.

    Also, where is the Ajax code for the Previous Week/Next Week actions in the Week view?

    The AJAX is controlled by this file:


    That is the scripts, but the plugin uses the minified version


    Look for this function around line 407:

    .on( 'click', '.tribe-events-nav-previous, .tribe-events-nav-next', function( e ) { ... }


    Since I haven’t heard back from you here, I’m going to go ahead and close out this thread. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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