Adding a ticket price to an Event

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    Hello, I am working through testing an events setup and would like to know where I add my ticket price. I have managed to add it to the first event, but can’t seem to find where I did this. I know this sounds silly, but I have searched the forums and can’t find an answer.

    I have since purchased the Add On for Eventbrite ( I will be testing this also ) and wondered if this has overwritten anything.

    On this listing page I would like the price to appear next to the second event with its currency sign. I have set the currency sign to pounds at the moment to test.

    Please can you point me in the right direction, this would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks,




    So if Eventbrite Tickets is installed and activated you will not see a cost field when you edit events.

    This is by design and avoids confusion since generally an Eventbrite Tickets user will define ticket prices via the Eventbrite Tickets settings themselves.

    So, in summary, without Eventbrite Tickets (or any other ticketing plugins) activated you should be able to see and edit the following field when you edit and create events:

    Event editor: cost and currency settings

    With Eventbrite Tickets you simply define the ticket price for each ticket you create – please see our Eventbrite new user primer for details of this 🙂

    Does that help?


    Yes it does thank you, it explains perfectly. I now understand how I was able to add a ticket price before I added the new plugin. Also the reason why I couldn’t see any ticketing info was my Eventbrite Event as still in draft mode. Thank you for you help …


    My pleasure.

    I’ll go ahead and close this topicin that case but of course please do feel free to create new topics for any other issues that crop up as you use the plugin more 🙂

    Thanks again!

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