Adding a download in addition to printing the ticket.

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Adding a download in addition to printing the ticket.

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  • #122245

    I need to give the purchaser of the ticket the ability to download another file. I had this ability (even tho it was bugged – see prior to the patch that fixed the aforementioned bug.

    Now, the link to the the download doesn’t work. Instead, it just tries to print out the ticket.

    I am using no other plugins besides the pro version of Event Calendar, the free version of EDD and the EDD Event Calendar plugin.

    Can anyone verify this is actually working after the update? Thanks.


    Hi jbusciglio: unfortunately this looks like a valid bug – we’ll do our best to fix it as quickly as we can. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience in the meantime.


    Barry, thanks for confirming. I will need to get this debugged asap. I’ll do my best to dig into the code as well. Is there any way you can point me to a copy of the previous code where the “links triple with tickets issue” existed as in the link I provided? I can do a dif to see what changed from that version to this and that will help me with see what part of the code needs to be looked at for debug purposes. I’d appreciate that. I know we all have our priorities, and this is going to be a big one for me since my delivery is counting on this feature working out, thanks!


    Yes – you can grab older releases here and create diffs from there.

    If it helps, you might want to look at TribeEDDTickets::rendor_ticket_print_view() and the hook it runs on (template_redirect) which could provide a path to a temporary workaround and, of course, we’ll continue to progress this on our end too – though realistically it probably isn’t going to squeeze into the very next release which is in the final stages of preparation (and so is subject to a code freeze).



    Hi there,

    I just wanted to let you know that we were able to work on this issue for our upcoming 3.8 release. Keep an eye out on your site for an update announcement! If you update and are still seeing this problem, please post a new thread so we can check it out. Thank you for your patience while we got this fix in place.

    and the team at Modern Tribe

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