Add tickets to cart

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  • #1256049

    if you click the ‘Add to Cart’ button with ‘0’ selected in the tickets number. It takes you to your cart but says ‘Your cart is currently empty’.
    I understand why this does this. But customers click the big pretty ‘Add to Cart’ button first, then they get lost. Is there a way to default the ticket field to ‘1’ instead of ‘0’, or to display a message, that no tickets were selected if left on 0.


    Hi Brian!

    Thanks for reaching out to us! 🙂

    Yes, there is a way to default the ticket to “1”. You need to make a template customization to do that by following these steps:

    • Go to your plugins folder and copy the contents of the file tickets.php located at yoursite/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/views/wootickets/tickets.php
    • Create a folder in your active theme called tribe-events and inside it create another folder called wootickets
    • Create a file called tickets.php and paste the contents from the first step in it. The path should be like this: [your-theme]/tribe-events/wootickets/tickets.php

    You are now ready to modify the contents of that template to suit your needs. In your case, you should modify line 89 and set the input-value to “1” like this > 'input_value' => 1,

    There is a great article on Customizing Templates Files here >

    I hope that helps. Let me know how that goes.




    Thanks, that worked perfect!


    You are welcome Brian! I’m super happy to be of help. Thanks for coming bag and letting me know about it.

    I’ll go ahead and close this thread, but feel free to open a new one if any other questions come up.

    Good luck with your project!


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