Add Fields to ticket email

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  • #58211
    Schalk Joubert

    Would it be possible to add the name of each attendee to the email ticket?
    I am using the code snippet from J-P:

    Support Forum:


    Hi Schalk,

    Quite probably and we can leave this open to see if J-P or someone else can comment – but I’m afraid this would be outside the scope of support we can offer.


    I see from the Roadmap:
    “We’re also working on creating unique user specific tickets. Currently each order is associated with one name. We’re working on the ability to attach information about a specific attendee to each ticket.”
    If I am reading this correctly you are planning to support the collection of multiple attendee details. I think this is an essential feature and something I was expecting when I purchased back in March.

    Do you have a timeframe for this feature? Is there a beta available that we can test now?



    Hi J-P,

    Right now we’re focusing on bug fixes and other issues important in improving overall stability – we’ll then begin to look at further feature-driven development.

    So, at this time, I’m afraid I can’t offer up a timeframe and, as no work has started on this front, it will be a while before we’re in a position to release beta code (assuming we do decide to do a public beta for this).

    Thanks again for your interest!


    Seconded. I have had our wootickets customized to allow us to do this, somewhat, but it makes upgrades a serious pain in the arse! This functionality is sort of a must have for a LOT of uses for wootickets, as tickets are frequently purchased for others (friends, children, etc.)


    Thanks guys, I’ll take your comments and note them on the issue tracker as there’s clearly a fair amount of demand for this.

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