Ability to add extras with tickets

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    I need a solution that allows me to set-up a weekly market event, sell a limited number of different priced pitches and handle payment for this online and securely. From what I can see by using events calendar and tickets I can achieve this?

    Is there a way to add additional ‘extras’ along with the tickets, like hiring tables and power etc?

    Also do you need to use certain themes or can you use the plugins wherever? I am currently looking at using the Avada theme.

    Thanks for your help.

    Gustavo Bordoni

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    About your questions, let me try to help your with these:

    1. You will be able to sell weekly tickets with different prices and names
    2. To sell you will be using one of the ECommerce add-onsĀ and they handle all the required security for you
    3. Unfortunately we don’t fully support variable Tickets, but it might work depending on how you setup your tickets
    4. Not really, you can use whatever theme you want since you can apply your own CSS to our templates

    If you have any other questions please, reply here and I will try to help you.

    My Best Regards,


    Hi Gustavo,

    Thanks for your help. When you say it depends how I set up the tickets can you expand on how it could? i had thought of including tables etc with certain tickets, but this causes
    issues when a pitch is only available with a table but the customer just wants the pitch.

    Thanks again for any help.

    Gustavo Bordoni

    Hi Tom,

    Since you can use WooCommerce and it allows variable products you can setup the ticket then change it to be a variable WooCommerce Product which should allow the behavior your are expecting.

    If I miss understood you or have any other questions, just reply and I will try to help you out.

    My Best Regards,

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