Abbreviate days

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  • #1004605

    I read, Chenge Monday to MON, but it no longer appears on line 29. the length of the days is effecting my month view. Can you help? I need to abbreviat the days of the week in Month view. thanks


    Hey @karen,

    Happy to help here! I’m just curious, though, can you clarify exactly what you mean by your words here:

    I read, Chenge Monday to MON, but it no longer appears on line 29

    What does this mean? I’m sorry for my misunderstanding, I just don’t understand it 100% but want to so that I can best help you out 🙂

    As for forcing the “three-letter” day style to display on your site, you should be able to do so by adding the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_filter( 'tribe_events_get_days_of_week', 'tribe_force_shortened_week_day_names' );

    function tribe_force_shortened_week_day_names( $days_of_week ) {
    $days_of_week = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->daysOfWeekShort;
    return $days_of_week;

    I hope that helps!

    — George


    “Chenge Monday to MON” is the name of the article, but the code in this file has changed. I will try the functions.php, sounds like it might be a better option. thanks


    Thanks Karen, let us know how it goes! 🙂


    yeah, that did not appear to work. 🙁


    Sorry to hear that Karen! It worked really well for me, so I’m not sure what went wrong with it on your site…

    There are unfortunately not many more options for implementing this customization at this time 🙁 You could perhaps write a fancy JavaScript solution or something, but otherwise that filter is the only solution I can think of.

    For one last attempt at getting this to work, would you mind posting your entire functions.php file into a Gist at, and then share a link to that Gist here? I might be able to spot something wrong with the file that could impact this, for example.

    Thank you!

    Support Droid

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    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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