404 Error + Disappearing Events

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    Oh, sorry, that was a typo… 4.4.7 is the latest version; it’s just that your wp-admin showed a message that an update is available. This is a known issue about using a non-multisite license in a multisite environment that you can disregard for right now.

    So, regarding your rewrite rules, I now see this: https://cl.ly/2h351H420b2z

    I also don’t see any events at http://www.essexmums.com/events/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events — no Organizers or Venues either.

    You have a pretty complicated setup so I don’t want to be guessing which sub-site has data for The Events Calendar… if it’s supposed to be this site, then I’m not sure what happened with all your Events, Organizers, and Venues, but you should look into your database and see if any “tribe_events” post_type events exist in the wp_posts table for each of your sites.

    What we need to continue testing for you is an actual event we can see in wp-admin, whether on this sub-site or another.

    However, please understand that your Personal-level license covers a single site… so if you are running The Events Calendar’s add-ons on more than just your /events sub-site, you’re legally allowed to do so, but we won’t be able to provide support for more than one site… because then you’re using it on more than one site… I hope that make sense.

    Let me know what you find out.


    Ah, that’s because it’s not that section where I’m using it. Basically, I’m trying to move all my current events listings over to here: http://www.essexmums.com/thingstodo/ using The Events Calendar, this section: http://www.essexmums.com/events is just the current listings I’ll eventually get rid of.

    So although TEC is network activated, it’s only actually being used here: http://www.essexmums.com/thingstodo/ and the events listings are here: http://www.essexmums.com/thingstodo/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events

    Here’s an event that is showing up okay for testing on: http://www.essexmums.com/thingstodo/wp-admin/post.php?post=9183&action=edit


    NO, that was always one that worked. Sorry, I thought when you said you needed an actual event you can see in wp-admin, that was what you meant. That was one you can see behind the scenes and works front-end too.

    This is one that I’m getting a 404 for: http://www.essexmums.com/thingstodo/wp-admin/post.php?post=8697&action=edit


    But I have just realised that if I go into that event and click update, the event then loads. Which I guess solves the problem, even if I’m none the wiser as to why it happened in the first place.


    Gotcha. This is a known issue with some of the recurrence rules from pre-4.4 did not properly port over…

    I’ll mark this ticket as Pending Fix, which means this thread should receive a reply once the applicable fix has been released. I cannot guarantee when it will be fixed, but it  definitely is a high-priority bug.

    I apologize for this issue and appreciate your understanding and patience.

    Please let me know if you also notice some odd behavior, particularly 404s, with non-recurring events.



    Just wanted to share with you that a new maintenance release (for the Week of 12th June 2017) is out, including a fix for this issue ?

    Find out more about this release → https://theeventscalendar.com/maintenance-release-for-the-week-of-12th-june-2017/

    Please update the plugins and let us know if the fix works for your site,

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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