3.5 Bug: Events website’s not being displayed for recurring events

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO 3.5 Bug: Events website’s not being displayed for recurring events

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    There’s a bug with the way recurring events are being changed in the database when upgrading to 3.5. The update creates a duplicate _EventURL for the post_id, with the meta_value being blank in that new row. This causes the Event Website to not be displayed on any of the event’s pages. Copying the url from the original meta_value row to the new row does display the Event Website on the front end, but ONLY on the first date of the event; all other dates continue to not have the website meta displayed.

    Here’s an example of an event in which I copied the url to the duplicate _EventURL row in the database, so the website link is only shown on the first date: Tom McCoy Summer Fun Run Series

    And here’s an example of a recurring event that has the duplicate _EventURL row with the meta_value blank, which leads to no website meta being displayed for any of the date’s in the series: The Road at Worlds End

    Events pay to have their website links posted on my calendar, so I’m in desperate need of a hotfix for this one. Please let me know what can be done to fix this issue, even if its a temporary fix until an official release.


    Casey D

    Hi Sean,

    Sorry you’re having this difficulty! I took some time to try and reproduce the issue, and I was not able to.

    I created a recurring event in version 3.4 and gave it an event website. I then updated both The Events Calendar and The Events Calendar Pro to version 3.5

    I found no duplicates in the wp_postmeta table, only one _EventURL per post_id as expected.

    I also talked to the support team and they haven’t seen this before.

    2014-04-18 at 12.44 PM

    We had a few other bugs regarding recursive events and upgrading from 3.4 to 3.5. These bugs were mostly caused from MySQL queries timing out, leaving users with odd bugs, including some duplication. We haven’t seen this before though.

    I have no good reason to think this will work, but if you have a 3.4 backup, reinstalling that and updating directly to 3.5.1 *might* fix the problem you are having, because of the fixes supplied in 3.5.1. But that is just a gut instinct.

    Otherwise, I’d like to be able to reproduce what you are seeing. Could I get more information on your system? The theme you are using and plugins especially.

    Does this make sense? Let me know how I can help.

    Thanks for your patience!

    – Casey Driscoll

    Casey D

    I wanted to add that I do see on your website that the event websites are missing.


    – Casey Driscoll


    This reply is private.


    I was able to fix the effected events (those that had two _EventURL per post_id, with the lower meta_id having no value in its _EventURL). First, I deleted the blank _EventURL for the respective post_id. I checked the site, but the events still were not displaying the website meta. So I then tried updating the events (via “Edit Series”) and after doing that the event website info is being displayed for all events in the series.

    Again, I still don’t know how or why the duplicate _EventURL rows were created, but it seems that it happened around the same time I updated to the 3.5 release. Not certain that it was due to that update, but the fact that that update changed how recurring events are saved in the database, I’d be it was related.

    In any case, I’m going to keep the affected events in my notes and will check them periodically moving forward to ensure that things continue to display correctly.


    Casey D

    Thanks for the update, Sean. Happy it worked out.

    We’ll warily file this in the back of our brains as a weird 3.5 upgrade bug, especially since we can’t reproduce it and we haven’t heard about it from anyone else yet.

    But absolutely let us know right away if anything like this happens again!

    Can I mark this as closed for now until it [hopefully never] crops up again?


    – Casey Driscoll


    Sounds good Casey. Yes, please feel free to close this out. If I notice any further issues with the website links moving forward, I’ll certainly create a new thread. Thanks again!

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