1970 Bug

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  • #22177
    Benjamin Kouba

    My sidebar widget defaults to 1970. I can’t figure this out… I see some other threads with related topics, but I’m having difficulty applying any solutions there to my site.

    I would appreciate some help from the admins on this.

    Link: http://epcnewark.org/uncategorized/an-honorable-ambition/

    Thank you.

    Joyce Grace

    Hello Benjamin,
    This is strange. To get us started, can you please confirm you have tried all of the following:

    1. Are you running the latest version of WordPress?
    2. Are you running the latest versions of our plugins (2.0.7)?
    3. Have you tried deactivating all other plugins to rule out a conflict?
    4. Have you tried reverting to the Twenty Eleven theme to see if it’s something with your theme?
    5. Try setting your permalinks to ‘postname’ in Settings > Permalinks?
    6. Try refreshing your permalinks by visiting Settings > Permalinks (it does it automatically)?

    Also, have you checked your settings, in both the Events Calendar and your timezone settings – both under WordPress’s Settings menu?

    Joyce Grace

    Sorry! the latest version of our plugin is now 2.0.8!

    Benjamin Kouba

    Hi Joyce,

    Thanks for the suggestions. Reverting to 2011 theme did fix the problem. Is there any way that you could help me diagnose my current theme to fix the issue? I can send the theme files to you if it would help.

    Thank you,


    Hi Benjamin,

    Please email a copy of the theme to pro [at] tri [dot] be and I’ll see what I can do. Make sure to reference this thread so we know what its about.


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