Reply To: [tribe_events] Shortcode Limit option not Working

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Added a vote to the uservoice topic!

Just a quick note how you can achieve this in a kind of hacky way. Add the following code to your functions.php to change the number of posts in a shortcode:

    function sif_tribe_option($option, $optionName, $default) {
	//change number of posts per page
	$numberOfPostsInShortcode = 3;
	if($optionName == 'postsPerPage') {
	    //are we in a shortcode?
	    $in_shortcode = in_array(
	    if($in_shortcode) {
		return $numberOfPostsInShortcode;
	    } else {
		return $option;
	//always return an option
	return $option;
    add_filter('tribe_get_option', 'sif_tribe_option', 10, 3);