Schedule Shortcode


Example shortcode:

[tec_schedule tracks="all" color_scheme="light" session_link="none"]

This would output a schedule with all tracks, using a light color scheme, and session titles not being linked.

  • ‘date’ (default: null) – Specifies the date for which the schedule should be displayed; when set to null, the schedule does not display.
    • Supports multiple dates (comma separated)
    • Creates date tabs
    • i.e: date=”2023-09-21, 2023-09-22″
  • ‘tracks’ (default: all) – Allows the user to specify which tracks should be displayed in the schedule;
    • “all” will display sessions from all tracks.
    • a comma-separated list of track term slugs displays those specific tracks
  • ‘session_link’ (default: permalink) – Determines the type of link to be used for the sessions; the options are:
    • “permalink” – each session title will link to the full session details page.
    • “anchor” – each session title will link to an anchor on the current page.
    • “none” – session titles will not be linked at all.
  • ‘color_scheme’ (default: light) – Sets the color scheme for the schedule; the options are:
    • “light” – will use a light color scheme.
    • “dark” – will use a dark color scheme.
  • ‘align’ (default: “”) – Defines the alignment of the schedule on the page; the options include:
    • “wide” – will make the schedule wider than the content area.
    • “full” – will make the schedule take up the full width of the page.
    • “” (empty string) – will use the default alignment as defined by the theme.
  • ‘layout’ (default: table) – Specifies the layout to be used for displaying the schedule;
    • “table” will use a table layout for the schedule.
    • “grid” will use a grid layout
  • ‘row_height’ (default: match) – Determines the row height for the schedule using the grid view.
    • “match”, it will ensure that all rows have the same height.
    • “auto”, rows will size to the content in the row. 
  • ‘content’ (default: none) – Defines how the content of each session should be displayed in the schedule;
    • “none” means that the session content will not be displayed. 
    • “full” means all session content is displayed.
    • “excerpt” means only the excerpt is displayed.

Sessions Shortcode

Single Sessions custom fields

For the sessions post type.

  • Conference Session Speakers (_conference_session_speakers) – This field stores the list of speakers for a session as a single text string, which is sanitized before being saved.
  • Session Time (_wpcs_session_time) – This field stores the start time of the session, which is computed from the session date, hour, minute, and meridiem values posted from the session edit form.
  • Session End Time (_wpcs_session_end_time) – This field stores the end time of the session, computed similar to the session time field but using the end hour, end minute, and end meridiem values.
  • Session Type (_wpcs_session_type) – This field stores the type of session, which can be one of three values: “session”, “mainstage”, or “custom”; if an invalid value is posted, it defaults to “session”.
    • “custom” is set to “break, lunch, etc..” by default
    • Break, Lunch, etc.. session type does not generate a URL to click on when seen in the schedule
  • Speaker Display (wpcsp_session_speaker_display) – This radio button field allows users to choose the manner of displaying speakers: either typing the names manually or selecting from a list of speakers from a custom post type (CPT).
  • Speaker Name(s) (_wpcs_session_speakers) – This field allows for the manual input of speaker names as a text field; it is conditionally displayed based on the value of the “Speaker Display” field.
  • Speakers (wpcsp_session_speakers) – This multi-select field allows users to select and order speakers for the session from a list of speakers stored as a custom post type, and it is conditionally displayed based on the “Speaker Display” field value being “cpt”.
  • Sponsors (wpcsp_session_sponsors) – This multi-select field allows users to select and order sponsors for the session from a list of sponsors stored as a custom post type.

Speakers Shortcode

Example shortcode:

[tec_speakers image_size="250" order="asc" speaker_link="permalink"]

This would output a list of speakers with a speaker image size of 250 pixels, listed in ascending order, and speakers’ names will be a hyperlink to their posts.


  • show_image (default: true) – This option controls whether to display the speaker’s image or not. If set to true, the speaker’s featured image will be displayed in the output.
  • image_size (default: 150) – This defines the size (both width and height) of the speaker’s image in pixels. The image will be displayed as a square with the specified size.
  • show_content (default: false) – Determines whether to display the content of the speaker’s post (the description) in the output. If true, the content of each speaker’s post will be displayed.
  • posts_per_page (default: -1) – Specifies the number of speaker posts to retrieve and display. The default value of -1 means that all speaker posts will be retrieved and displayed.
  • orderby (default: ‘date’) – This option specifies the criterion to be used to order the speaker posts. They can be ordered by ‘date’, ‘title’, or ‘rand’ (random).
  • order (default: ‘desc’) – Determines the order of the retrieved posts, either ‘asc’ (ascending) or ‘desc’ (descending), based on the criterion specified in orderby.
  • speaker_link (default: ”) – Controls whether to link the speaker’s name to their individual post. If set to ‘permalink’, the speaker’s name will be a hyperlink to their post.
  • track (default: ”) – Allows filtering speakers based on the tracks they are associated with. You can provide a comma-separated list of track slugs to filter the speakers.
  • groups (default: ”) – Allows filtering speakers based on the groups they are associated with. You can provide a comma-separated list of group slugs to filter the speakers.
  • columns (default: 1) – Specifies the number of columns in the grid layout used to display the speakers. The speakers will be displayed in a grid with the specified number of columns.
  • gap (default: 30) – Specifies the gap (in pixels) between the grid items (speakers).
  • align (default: ‘left’) – Sets the text alignment within the grid items. The text can be aligned to the ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’, etc.

Single Speakers custom fields

For the Speakers post type

  • First Name – This field allows users to input the first name of a speaker.
  • Last Name (wpcsp_last_name) – This field allows users to input the last name of a speaker.
  • Title (wpcsp_title) – This field allows users to input the title or position of a speaker.
  • Organization (wpcsp_organization) -This field allows users to specify the organization that the speaker is affiliated with.
  • Facebook URL (wpcsp_facebook_url) – This field allows users to input the Facebook profile URL of a speaker, and it ensures that the URL uses either the “http” or “https” protocol.
  • Twitter URL (wpcsp_twitter_url) – This field allows users to input the Twitter profile URL of a speaker, and it ensures that the URL uses either the “http” or “https” protocol.
  • Instagram URL (wpcsp_instagram_url) – This field allows users to input the Instagram profile URL of a speaker, and it ensures that the URL uses either the “http” or “https” protocol.
  • LinkedIn URL (wpcsp_linkedin_url) – This field allows users to input the LinkedIn profile URL of a speaker, and it ensures that the URL uses either the “http” or “https” protocol.
  • YouTube URL (wpcsp_youtube_url) – This field allows users to input the YouTube profile URL of a speaker, and it ensures that the URL uses either the “http” or “https” protocol.
  • Website URL (wpcsp_website_url) – This field allows users to input the personal or professional website URL of a speaker, and it ensures that the URL uses either the “http” or “https” protocol.

Sponsors Shortcode

Example shortcode:

[tec_sponsors title="visible" content="full" excerpt_length="100"] 

This would display the sponsors with a visible title, full content of the sponsor’s post, and an excerpt length of 100 characters.

  • link (default: ‘none’) – This option dictates what the sponsor images and titles link to. It can have three possible values:
    • ‘none’: No link is applied to the sponsor images and titles.
    • ‘website’: The sponsor images and titles link to the sponsor’s website URL, which is fetched from a custom field (wpcsp_website_url). 
    • ‘post’: The sponsor images and titles link to the individual sponsor’s post on your WordPress site.
  • title (default: hidden) – Controls the visibility of the sponsor title (name). It has two states in the script:
    • ‘visible’: The sponsor title is displayed. 
    • ‘hidden’: The sponsor title is hidden
  • content (default: ‘hidden’) – Determines the content display style for each sponsor. It has three possible states:
    • ‘full’: Displays the full content of the sponsor’s post.
    • ‘excerpt’: Displays an excerpt of the content, limited to a number of words defined by the excerpt_length attribute.
    • ‘hidden’: The content is hidden
  • excerpt_length (default: 55) – Defines the number of words to be displayed when the content attribute is set to ‘excerpt’. The content will be trimmed to this number of words.
  • heading_level (default: ‘h2’) – Sets the HTML heading level for the sponsor level headings. It controls the HTML tag used for these headings (e.g., ‘h2’, ‘h3’, ‘h4’, etc.). 

Single Sponsors custom field

  • Website URL (wpcsp_website_url) – This field allows users to input the website URL of a sponsor, validating that the URL uses either the “http” or “https” protocol.

Single Sponsor Level Taxonomy

  • Logo Height (wpcsp_logo_height) – This field allows users to specify the height (in pixels) of the sponsor’s logo, accepting only numerical values

Settings Options

  • Schedule Page URL (wpcs_field_schedule_page_url) – Lets the admin set the URL where the conference schedule is embedded, expecting a URL input in a text field.
  • Speakers Page URL (wpcsp_field_speakers_page_url) – Located in “General Settings,” it allows the admin to define the URL of the speakers’ page, accompanied by a sanitization callback for clean data entry.
  • Sponsor URL Redirect (wpcsp_field_sponsor_page_url) – Enables the admin to set the redirection behavior for sponsor links through a dropdown selector; it includes a sanitization callback for input validation.
  • Sponsor Level Order (wpcsp_conference_sponsor_level_order) – In “General Settings,” it enables the admin to order sponsor levels on the sponsors page template using a draggable list, with validation to ensure proper data format.
  • Speaker Group Order (wpcsp_speaker_level_order) – Allows the admin to set the display order of speaker groups on the speaker page template through a draggable list interface, ensuring correct data format through validation.