Current Status: compatible

WP-Optimize Cache is a popular all-in-one WordPress performance plugin that caches your site, cleans your database, and compresses your images.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use WP-Optimize with The Events Calendar to give your site and your events the best performance possible. There are plenty of settings to explore in the documentation, but we’ll cover calendar-specific settings here.

What you need

Minify Settings

In order to work with The Events Calendar, you’ll want to make sure that the minification settings are turned off. Head over to WP-Optimize > Minify and toggle the Enable Minify button to the off position.

WP-Optimize minification turned off

Cache settings

The other 2 important settings to look for are under Cache.

1. Page Cache

Under Cache Settings, Set the Cache lifespan to 12 hours

2. Advanced settings

There, you can exclude your event URLs specifically from being cached.

Plugin Folders

Here is a list of the asset folders of each of our plugins that should be ignored.

Plugin NameAssets Folder
The Events Calendar/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/(.*).css
Events Calendar Pro/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/(.*).css
Events Tickets/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/(.*).css
Events Tickets Plus/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/(.*).css
Filter Bar/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar-filterbar/(.*).css
Virtual Events/wp-content/plugins/events-virtual/(.*).css
Community Events/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar-community-events/(.*).css
Community Tickets/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar-community-events-tickets/(.*).css
Eventbrite Tickets/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar-eventbrite-tickets/(.*).css

To copy-paste

You can use the below to copy-paste all CSS and JavaScript asset resources easily.

