Event Tickets comes with a number of template files that determine how the plugin looks and behaves. We call these templates views because they create the pages and elements that you see on your site.

Each plugin and add-on has its own unique set of templates and each template can be copied and customized in your theme folder.

We’ve put together an outline of all of the available templates that come included with Tickets Commerce, so that you can customize them to your liking.

Tickets Commerce Checkout

Parent folder located at:


TemplateWhat it Does
/cart/empty/description.phpThis is the text that appears when the cart is empty.
/cart/empty/title.phpThe title that appears when the cart is empty.
/cart/footer/quantity.phpShows the checkout cart footer quantity.
/cart/footer/total.phpDisplays the checkout cart total in the footer.
/cart/item/details/description.phpContains the checkout cart item description.
/cart/item/details/title.phpHas the checkout cart item title.
/cart/item/details/toggle.phpToggles the ticket details on or off.
/cart/item/details.phpCheckout cart item details.
/cart/item/price.phpDisplays the checkout cart item price.
/cart/item/quantity.phpShows the checkout cart item quantity.
/cart/item/sub-total.phpCheckout cart item sub-total.
/cart/empty.phpThe wrapper for the title and description of an empty checkout cart.
/cart/footer.phpThe wrapper for the checkout cart footer.
/cart/header.phpContains the checkout cart header.
/cart/item.phpCheckout cart item wrapper.
/cart/items.phpWrapper for multiple checkout items.
/footer/gateway-error.phpShows a gateway error at checkout.
/header/links/back.phpCheckout page header backlinks.
/header/links/modify-attendees.phpCheckout page links to modify attendees.
/header/links.phpWrapper for checkout page header links.
/header/title.phpDisplays the checkout page header title.
/must-login/login.phpShows the button requiring users to log in to purchase.
/must-login/registration.phpProvides the link to register a new account.
/cart.phpWrapper for the checkout cart.
/fields.phpContains the wrapper for checkout page fields.
/footer.phpCheckout page footer wrapper.
/header.phpCheckout page header wrapper.
/must-login.phpCheckout page “must log in” wrapper.
/gateways.phpThe container where we display the list of gateways.
/purchaser-info.phpPurchaser information form for anonymous purchases.
/purchaser-info/email.phpPurchaser information email field for anonymous purchases.
/purchaser-info/name.phpPurchaser information name field for anonymous purchases.

Tickets Commerce Gateway

Parent folder located at:


TemplateWhat it Does
/paypal/buttons.phpDisplays PayPal checkout buttons.
/paypal/checkout-script.phpContains the PayPal checkout scripts.
/paypal/container.phpThe PayPal container for checkout.
/stripe/card-elements.phpDisplays the Stripe card element.
/stripe/container.phpShows the Stripe container for checkout.
/stripe/payment-element.phpShows the Stripe payment element.

Tickets Commerce Orders

Parent folder located at:


Template What it Does
/details/date.php Contains the date for the success page order details.
/details/email.phpEmail on the success page order details.
/details/order-number.phpOrder number on the success page order details.
/details/payment-method.phpContains payment method on success page order details.
/details/total.phpSuccess page order details total.
/footer/links/back-home.phpSuccess order page footer links back home.
/footer/links/browse-events.phpSuccess order page footer links back to browse events.
/footer/links.phpWrapper for footer links.
/description.phpSuccess order page description.
/details.phpWrapper for success order page details.
/footer.phpWrapper for success order page footer.
/header.phpSuccess order page header.

Tickets Commerce Pages

Parent folder located at:


TemplateWhat it Does
/checkout.phpWrapper for checkout page.
/success.phpWrapper for success order page.

Event Tickets Plus

Parent folder located at:


TemplateWhat it Does
/cart/item/details/extra.phpList the Attendee Registration Fields on checkout page.
/header/links/modify-attendees.phpIncludes the link to “Modify Attendees” on the checkout page if there are tickets with attendee registration fields.