Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus come with a number of template files that determine how the plugin looks and behaves. We call these templates views because they create the pages and elements that you see on your site.

Each plugin and add-on has its own unique set of templates and each template can be copied and customized in your theme folder.

We’ve put together an outline of all of the available templates that come included with Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus.

Note: This article covers the template available with our legacy e-commerce solution, Tribe Commerce. For a full list of templates available with our new e-commerce solution starting with Event Tickets version 5.2.0, see this article about Tickets Commerce templates.

Events Tickets

Parent folder located at: /wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/src/views/.

Main Templates

This is a list of templates for tickets that are created using the WordPress block editor. Note that these templates go into a different folder in your theme if you plan on overriding them. Instead of creating a tribe-events/tickets folder in your theme, these templates will go into a /tribe/tickets/blocks folder.

TemplateWhat it Does
/blocks/attendees.phpThe wrapper for displaying event attendees registered for the event.
/blocks/rsvp.phpThe wrapper for showing the RSVP form.
tickets.phpThe wrapper for displaying the ticket form.


This is a list of templates for tickets that are created using the WordPress block editor. Note that these templates go into a different folder in your theme if you plan on overriding them. Instead of creating a tribe-events/tickets folder in your theme, these templates will go into a /tribe/tickets/blocks/tickets folder.

TemplateWhat it Does
/blocks/tickets/content-description.phpDisplays the ticket description in the content block.
/blocks/tickets/content-inactive.phpDisplays an inactive message in the content block if the ticket is not yet available.
/blocks/tickets/content-title.phpDisplays the ticket title in the content block.
/blocks/tickets/content.phpThe wrapper for the ticket form content.
/blocks/tickets/extra-available-quantity.phpDisplays the number of available tickets in the extra column block.
/blocks/tickets/extra-available-unlimited.phpDisplays ticket quantity in the extra column block when the quantity is set to unlimited capacity.
/blocks/tickets/extra-available.phpDisplays the number of available tickets in the extra column block.
/blocks/tickets/extra-price.phpDisplays the ticket price in the extra column block.
/blocks/tickets/extra.phpThe wrapper for an extra column in the ticket form.
/blocks/tickets/footer-quantity.phpDisplays the total ticket quantity in the ticket footer.
/blocks/tickets/footer-total.phpDisplays the order total in the ticket footer.
/blocks/tickets/footer.phpThe wrapper for the ticket form footer.
/blocks/tickets/icon-svg.phpDisplays an icon for tickets in SVG format.
/blocks/tickets/icon.phpThe wrapper for displaying the ticket SVG icon.
/blocks/tickets/item-inactive.phpIndicates when a ticket is not on sale.
/blocks/tickets/item.phpDisplays a ticket single.
/blocks/tickets/opt-out-hidden.phpHides the attendee list if the option is disabled in settings.
/blocks/tickets/quantity-add.phpDisplays the button for adding tickets to an order.
/blocks/tickets/quantity-number.phpDisplays the number of tickets.
/blocks/tickets/quantity-remove.phpDisplays the button for removing tickets from an order.
/blocks/tickets/quantity-unavailable.phpDisplays a message when there are no more available tickets.
/blocks/tickets/quantity.phpThe wrapper for displaying ticket quantity in the form.
/blocks/tickets/submit-button-modal.phpDisplays a modal during form submission.
/blocks/tickets/submit-button.phpDisplays the form submission button.
/blocks/tickets/submit.phpThe wrapper for the form submission.
/blocks/tickets/commerce/fields-edd.phpDisplays ticket purchase fields when Easy Digital Downloads is the e-commerce provider.
/blocks/tickets/commerce/fields-tpp.phpDisplays PayPal ticket purchase fields when Tribe Commerce is the e-commerce provider.
/blocks/tickets/commerce/fields-woo.phpDisplays ticket purchase fields when WooCommerce is the e-commerce provider.
/blocks/tickets/commerce/fields.phpThe wrapper for purchase fields.
/blocks/tickets/registration/content.phpThe wrapper for the registration form content.
/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/content.phpDisplays attendee registration content.
/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/fields.phpThe wrapper for attendee registration form fields.
/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/submit.phpDisplays the attendee registration form submission button.
/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/fields/checkbox.phpDisplays the attendee registration checkbox inputs.
/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/fields/radio.phpDisplays the attendee registration radio button inputs.
/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/fields/select.phpDisplays the attendee registration select inputs.
/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/fields/text.phpDisplays the attendee registration text inputs.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/content.phpThe content wrapper for the registration confirmation summary.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/description.phpDisplays the registration description in the confirmation summary.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/ticket-icon.phpDisplays the ticket icon in the registration confirmation.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/ticket-price.phpDisplays the ticket price in the registration confirmation summary.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/ticket-quantity.phpDisplays the purchase quantity in the registration summary.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/ticket-title.phpDisplays the ticket of a ticket in the registration summary.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/ticket.phpThe wrapper for displaying individual ticket information in the registration summary.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/tickets.phpThe wrapper for displaying all tickets in the registration summary.
/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/title.phpThe registration summary title.


This is a list of templates for RSVPs that are created using the WordPress block editor. Note that these templates go into a different folder in your theme if you plan on overriding them. Instead of creating a tribe-events/tickets folder in your theme, these templates will go into a /tribe/tickets folder.

TemplateWhat it Does
/v2/rsvp.phpThe list of RSVPs.
/v2/rsvp/content.phpThe content (details, form, or ARI form).
/v2/rsvp/details.phpThe details for the RSVP including capacity.
/v2/rsvp/details/attendance.phpThe number going.
/v2/rsvp/details/availability.phpThe days remaining and current availability text.
/v2/rsvp/details/availability/days-to-rsvp.phpThe days remaining text.
/v2/rsvp/details/availability/full.phpThe text for when capacity is full.
/v2/rsvp/details/availability/remaining.phpThe text for when some capacity is remaining.
/v2/rsvp/details/availability/unlimited.phpThe text for unlimited capacity.
/v2/rsvp/details/description.phpThe RSVP description.
/v2/rsvp/details/title.phpThe RSVP title.
/v2/rsvp/form/buttons.phpThe cancel and submit buttons used in the form.
/v2/rsvp/form/fields.phpThe form fields.
/v2/rsvp/form/fields/cancel.phpThe cancel button used in the form.
/v2/rsvp/form/fields/email.phpThe email form field.
/v2/rsvp/form/fields/name.phpThe name form field.
/v2/rsvp/form/fields/quantity.phpThe quantity form field.
/v2/rsvp/form/fields/submit.phpThe submit button used in the form.
/v2/rsvp/form/form.phpThe RSVP form.
/v2/rsvp/form/going/title.phpThe title text for when RSVP’ing as Going.
/v2/rsvp/form/not-going/title.phpThe title text for when RSVP’ing as Not Going.
/v2/rsvp/form/title.phpThe title text for the RSVP form.
/v2/rsvp/ari.phpThe Attendee Registration form and sidebar.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form.phpThe Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/buttons.phpThe cancel, next guest, and finish Attendee Registration form buttons.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/error.phpThe required information error text for the Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields.phpThe Attendee Registration fields for the Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/email.phpThe email form field for the Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/meta.phpAdditional meta form fields for the Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/name.phpThe name form field for the Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/guest-template.phpThe group of guest fields for the Attendee Registration form in a format used by Javascript.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/guest.phpThe group of guest fields for the Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/template/fields.phpAdditional meta form fields for the Attendee Registration form in a format used by Javascript.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/template/title.phpThe attendee title for the Attendee Registration form in a format used by Javascript.
/v2/rsvp/ari/form/title.phpThe main attendee title for the Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar.phpThe sidebar title, quantity, and guest list for the Attendee Registration form.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/guest-list.phpThe RSVP guest list for the Attendee Registration sidebar.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/guest-list/guest-template.phpThe RSVP guest text used in the Attendee Registration sidebar in a format used by Javascript.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/guest-list/guest.phpThe RSVP main guest text used in the Attendee Registration sidebar.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/quantity.phpThe quantity icons and input used in the Attendee Registration sidebar.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/quantity/input.phpThe quantity input used in the Attendee Registration sidebar.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/quantity/minus.phpThe quantity minus icon used in the Attendee Registration sidebar.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/quantity/plus.phpThe quantity plus icon used in the Attendee Registration sidebar.
/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/title.phpThe sidebar title used in the Attendee Registration sidebar.
/v2/rsvp/actions.phpThe action handling for RSVPs.
/v2/rsvp/actions/full.phpThe RSVP Closed text shown when an RSVP is full.
/v2/rsvp/actions/rsvp.phpThe RSVP Going and Not Going action buttons.
/v2/rsvp/actions/rsvp/going.phpThe RSVP Going action button.
/v2/rsvp/actions/rsvp/not-going.phpThe RSVP Not Going action button.
/v2/rsvp/actions/success.phpThe RSVP successful title and Attendee List opt-in toggle.
/v2/rsvp/actions/success/title.phpThe RSVP successful title.
/v2/rsvp/actions/success/toggle.phpThe RSVP Attendee List opt-in toggle shown on successful RSVP.
/v2/rsvp/actions/success/tooltip.phpThe RSVP opt-in tooltip for the Attendee List toggle shown on successful RSVP.
/v2/rsvp/messages/error.phpThe RSVP error message.
/v2/rsvp/messages/must-login.phpThe RSVP notice message prompting user to log in to complete RSVP.
/v2/rsvp/messages/success.phpThe RSVP success message for Going or Not Going.
/v2/rsvp/messages/success/going.phpThe RSVP success message for Going.
/v2/rsvp/messages/success/not-going.phpThe RSVP success message for Not Going.


This is a list of templates for ticket attendees that are created using the WordPress block editor. Note that these templates go into a different folder in your theme if you plan on overriding them. Instead of creating a tribe-events/tickets folder in your theme, these templates will go into a /tribe/tickets folder.

TemplateWhat it Does
/blocks/attendees/description.phpDisplays the number of attendees registered for the event in the attendees block.
/blocks/attendees/gravatar.phpDisplays the Gravatar photo of a registered attendee in the attendees block.
/blocks/attendees/title.phpDisplays the attendee title in the attendees block.
/blocks/attendees/view-link.phpDisplays a link to tickets in the attendees block.


TemplateWhat it Does
/tickets/orders.phpThe template for displaying a customer’s purchased orders.
/tickets/orders-link.phpThe link generated for a user to see all purchased orders.
/tickets/orders-rsvpThis template renders the RSVP ticket form.


✨ This article covers the templates for legacy emails. Since Event Tickets 5.6.0, we have new email templates. Learn more.

This is a list of templates for the emails that the ticket and RSVP holders receive. Create a tribe-events/tickets folder in your theme for these templates.

TemplateWhat it Does
/tickets/attendees-email.phpThe template for the email with the attendee list when integrating with e-commerce plugins (like WooCommerce).
/tickets/email.phpTemplate for the email the customers get when they purchase tickets for an event. This email is the actual ticket people will use at the door of your event.
/tickets-plus/email-qr.phpTemplate for the QR code in the email.


TemplateWhat it Does
/shortcodes/my-attendance-list-logged-out.phpRenders the logged out message for the My Attendance list.
/shortcodes/my-attendance-list.phpRenders the My Attendance list.

Events Tickets Plus

Parent folder located at: /wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/views/.

TemplateWhat it Does
/attendees-list.phpThe template for the public list of attendees.
/login-to-purchase.phpRenders a link displayed to customers when they must first login before being able to purchase tickets.
/meta.phpThe template that displays custom fields that have been created for a ticket to fill in during registration.
/meta/checkbox.phpThe template used for displaying checkbox options for custom ticket fields that get imported by meta.php.
/meta/number.phpThe template used for displaying numeric custom ticket fields that get imported by meta.php.
/meta/radio.phpThe template used for displaying radio button options for custom ticket fields that get imported by meta.php.
/meta/select.phpThe template used for displaying selectable options for custom ticket fields that get imported by meta.php.
/meta/text.phpThe template used for displaying custom ticket text fields that get imported by meta.php.
/tickets-plus/orders-edit-meta.phpRenders the meta fields for order editing
tickets-plus/orders-tickets.php: The list of ticket orders.
/tickets-plus/orders-tickets.phpThe list of ticket orders.
/eddtickets/tickets.phpEasy Digital Downloads table of tickets with the button to purchase in the front end. It shows in the event single if the event has Easy Digital Downloads tickets to sell.
/wootickets/tickets.phpWooCommerce table of tickets with the button to purchase in the front end. If the event has WooCommerce tickets to sell, it shows in the event single.

Events Tickets Wallet Plus

✨ Check the article covering the Wallet Plus template files.