Events Calendar Pro enhances The Events Calendar by adding premium features when installed and activated alongside The Events Calendar. Events Calendar Pro comes with a number of template files that determine how the plugin looks and behaves. We call these templates views because they create the pages you see on your site.

Each template can be copied and customized in your theme folder. The following is an outline of all of the available templates included with Events Calendar Pro. Templates for The Events Calendar are documented in a separate article.

List View

Events Calendar Pro adds the following template to the calendar list view when enabled. The following template is located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/list/event/.

TemplateWhat it Does
recurring.phpDisplays the icon for an event in a series in the calendar list view

Month View

Events Calendar Pro features additional templates that are added to the calendar month view when enabled. The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/month/.

TemplateWhat it Does
recurring.phpDisplays the icon for a series event in month view
tooltip/recurring.phpDisplays the icon for a series event in a month view tooltip when an event is hovered
mobile-event/recurring.phpDisplays the icon for a series event in month view on small screens

Map View

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/map/.

TemplateWhat it Does
map.phpThe main container for the view.
event-cards.phpThe main wrapper for the list of individual events in map view
event-cards/event-card.phpThe wrapper for an individual event in map view
event-cards/event-card/actions.phpImports actions for single events in map view
event-cards/event-card/actions/cost-spacer.phpAdds spacing around the event cost element
event-cards/event-card/actions/cost.phpDisplays the event cost
event-cards/event-card/actions/details-spacer.phpAdds pacing around the details element
event-cards/event-card/actions/details.phpDisplays the event details
event-cards/event-card/actions/directions-spacer.phpAdds spacing around the event directions
event-cards/event-card/actions/directions.phpDisplays the link to event directions
event-cards/event-card/event.phpThe wrapper for the content of a single event in the map view list of events
event-cards/event-card/event/date-time.phpDisplays the event date and time
event-cards/event-card/event/distance.phpDisplays the distance to the event location
event-cards/event-card/event/featured-image.phpDisplays the featured image of the event post
event-cards/event-card/event/title.phpDisplays the event title
event-cards/event-card/event/venue.phpDisplays the event venue
event-cards/event-card/tooltip.phpDisplays the tooltip when an individual event is hovered in map view
event-cards/event-card/tooltip/cost.phpDisplays the event cost in the tooltip
event-cards/event-card/tooltip/date-time.phpDisplays the event date and time in the tooltip
event-cards/event-card/tooltip/navigation.phpDisplays the next and previous buttons in the tooltip
event-cards/event-card/tooltip/title.phpDisplays the event title in the tooltip
event-cards/event-card/tooltip/venue.phpDisplays the event venue in the tooltip
event-cards/event-card/date-tag.phpDisplays the month and date range for the list of events currently in view
event-cards/nav.phpThe wrapper for navigation in map view
event-cards/nav/next-disabled.phpControls the disabled state of the “next” navigation when no more upcoming events are available
event-cards/nav/next.phpDisplays the button to paginate forward in map view
event-cards/nav/prev-disabled.phpControls the disabled state of the “previous” navigation when no more upcoming events are available
event-cards/nav/prev.phpDisplays the button to navigate backwards in map view
event-cards/nav/today.phpDisplays the button to return to the current day in map view
map/google-maps.phpThe container that holds the Google Maps embed
map/google-maps/default.phpRenders Google Maps using the default API key provided by the plugin
map/google-maps/premium.phpRenders Google Maps using a custom API key
top-bar.phpDisplays the area containing navigation for the view
top-bar/nav/prev.phpDisplays the previous navigation link
top-bar/nav/next-disabled.phpControls the next page navigation link when there are no more pages with upcoming events
top-bar/nav.phpDisplays the navigation inside the top bar
top-bar/today.phpDisplays the “Today” button in the top bar
top-bar/datepicker.phpDisplays the date picker input in the top bar

Photo View

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/photo/.

TemplateWhat it Does
photo.phpThe main container for photo view
event.phpThe container for an individual event in photo view
event/cost.phpDisplays the event cost
event/date-tag.phpDisplays the month and day number for an event
event/date-time.phpDisplays the event date and time
event/featured-image.phpDisplays the featured image for an event post
event/title.phpDisplay the event title
nav.phpThe container for photo view navigation
nav/next-disabled.phpDisabled the next navigation link when no upcoming events are available
nav/next.phpDisplays the next navigation link when upcoming events are available
nav/prev-disabled.phpDisabled the previous navigation link when no earlier events are available
nav/prev.phpDisplays the previous navigation link when earlier events are available
nav/datepicker.phpDisplays the date picker input in the view navigation
nav/today.phpDisplays the button to return to the current day
top-bar.phpDisplays the area above the view
top-bar/nav.phpDisplays the navigation for the next and previous links inside the top bar
top-bar/nav/next-disabled.phpDisables the next navigation link in the top bar when no upcoming events are available
top-bar/nav/next.phpThe link in the top bar when more upcoming events are available
top-bar/nav/prev-disabled.phpDisables the next navigation link in the top bar when no previous events are available
top-bar/nav/prev.phpDisabled the previous navigation link in the top bar when previous events are available
top-bar/today.phpDisplays the “Today” button in the top bar
top-bar/datepicker.phpDisplays the date picker input in the top bar

Week View

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/week/.

TemplateWhat it Does
week.phpThe main wrapper for week view
day-selector.phpThe container for selecting dates in the view
day-selector/days.phpThe list of days in the date selector
day-selector/days/day.phpDisplays an individual date in the day selector
day-selector/nav.phpContains the previous and next navigation links in the day selector
day-selector/nav/prev.phpDisplays a previous navigation link in the day select
day-selector/nav/next.phpDisplays a next navigation link in the day select
grid-body.phpThe container for the grid of dates in week view
grid-body/events-day.phpThe container for an individual date in week view
grid-body/events-day/event.phpThe container for an event in a week view date column
grid-body/events-day/event/date.phpDisplays the event date for an event in week view
grid-body/events-day/event/featured-image.phpDisplays the featured event for an event displayed in week view
grid-body/events-day/event/title.phpDisplays the title of an event in week view
grid-body/events-day/event/tooltip.phpThe container for a tooltip when an event is hovered in week view
grid-body/events-day/event/tooltip/cost.phpDisplays the event cost in the tooltip that displays when an event is hovered in week view
grid-body/events-day/event/tooltip/date.phpDisplays the event date in the tooltip that displays when an event is hovered in week view
grid-body/events-day/event/tooltip/description.phpDisplays the event description in the tooltip that displays when an event is hovered in week view
grid-body/events-day/event/tooltip/featured-image.phpDisplays the event featured image in the tooltip that displays when an event is hovered in week view
grid-body/events-day/event/tooltip/title.phpDisplays the event title in the tooltip that displays when an event is hovered in week view
grid-body/events-day/multiday-events-day/more-events.phpDisplays the links when more events are available to view than what is currently displayed
grid-body/events-day/multiday-event-spacer.phpAdds spacing around multi-day events in week view
grid-body/events-day/multiday-event.phpDisplays multi-day events in week view
grid-body/events-row-header.phpThe container for the week view grid header
grid-body/multiday-events-row-header.phpThe container for the week view grid header when multi-day events are displayed
grid-body/multiday-events-row-header/multiday-events-row-header-toggle.phpContains the toggle control for displaying the row of multi-day events in week view
grid-header.phpThe container for the header row of the week view grid of displayed dates
grid-header/header-column.phpThe content for the header row of the week view grid of displayed dates
mobile-events.phpThe container for events when displayed on small screens
mobile-events/day.phpThe container for a day in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/day/event.phpThe container for an event on a date in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/day/event/cost.phpDisplays the event cost in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/day/event/date.phpDisplays the event date in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/day/event/featured-image.phpDisplays the event featured image in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/day/title.phpDisplays the event title in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/day/venue.phpDisplays the event venue in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/day/time-separator.phpDisplays a separator between the date and time in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/day/type-separator.phpDisplays a separator between the event time and the whether the event type is all-day or ongoing
mobile-events/nav.phpThe navigation for week view when displayed on small screens
mobile-events/nav/next-disabled.phpDisables the button to view more upcoming events in week view when viewed on small screens and no upcoming events are available
mobile-events/nav/next.phpDisplays the button to view more upcoming events in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/nav/prev-disabled.phpDisables the button to view previous events in week view when viewed on small screens and no previous events are available
mobile-events/nav/prev.phpDisplays the button to view previous events in week view when viewed on small screens
mobile-events/nav/today.phpDisplays the button to return to the current date when week view is viewed on small screens
top-bar.phpDisplays the area above the view
top-bar/datepicker.phpDisplays the date picker input in the top bar
top-bar/nav.phpThe container holding the previous and next links in the top bar.
top-bar/nav/next-disabled.phpDisplays the disabled next navigation link when no upcoming events are available
top-bar/nav/next.phpDisplays the next navigation link when upcoming events are available
top-bar/nav/prev-disabled.phpDisabled the disabled previous navigation link when no earlier events are available
top-bar/nav/prev.phpDisplays the the previous navigation link when earlier events are available

Summary View

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/summary/.

TemplateWhat it Does
summary.phpThis is the main template for summary view – it is found at /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/summary.php. It contains the main structure and calls all the following templates.
date-group.phpThe container and structure for a single displayed day
date-group/date-tag.phpThe date tag for a single day
date-group/event.phpA single event
date-group/event/cost.phpThe cost for a single event
date-group/event/date.phpThe structure and logic for the date of a single event
date-group/event/date/all-day.phpThe date for an all-day event. Also for “middle” days of a multi-day event
date-group/event/date/meta.phpThe date for event date meta (currently empty)
date-group/event/date/multiday-end.phpThe date for the last day of a multi-day event
date-group/event/date/multiday-start.phpThe date for the first day of a multi-day event
date-group/event/date/recurring.phpThe series icon for series events
date-group/event/date/single.phpThe start and end times for an event
date-group/event/title.phpThe title for a single event
date-group/event/title/featured.phpThe featured icon for featured events
date-separator.phpThe separator for displayed days – a horizontal line.
month-separator.phpThe separator for displayed months – a date and a horizontal line.
nav.phpThe container for summary view navigation (at the bottom of the view)
nav/next-disabled.phpControls the disabled state of the “next” navigation when no more upcoming events are available
nav/next.phpDisplays the button to paginate forward in summary view
nav/prev-disabled.phpControls the disabled state of the “previous” navigation when no more upcoming events are available
nav/prev.phpDisplays the button to paginate backward in summary view
nav/today.phpDisplays the button to return to the current time period for summary view
top-bar.phpDisplays the area above the view, including datepicker and navigation
top-bar/datepicker.phpDisplays the date picker input in the top bar
top-bar/nav.phpThe container holding the previous and next links in the top bar.
top-bar/nav/next.phpDisplays the next navigation link when more upcoming events are available
top-bar/nav/next-disabled.phpDisplays the disabled next navigation link when no more upcoming events are available
top-bar/nav/prev.phpDisplays the previous navigation link when earlier events are available
top-bar/nav/prev-disabled.phpDisplays the disabled previous navigation link when no earlier events are available

Single Events

The following templates are located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/pro/.

TemplateWhat it does
modules/meta/additional-fields.phpDisplays additional (custom) fields to the single event meta section
related-events.phpDisplays related events in the event single.


The following template is located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/organizer/.

TemplateWhat it Does
meta.phpThe wrapper for organizer information
meta/content.phpDisplays the content for an organizer post
meta/details/details.phpContains the details of an organizer post
meta/details/email.phpDisplays the email address in the organizer details
meta/details/phone.phpDisplays the phone number in the organizer details
meta/details/website.phpDisplays the website address in the organizer details
meta/title.phpDisplays the organizer title


The following template is located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/venue/.

TemplateWhat it Does
meta.phpThe wrapper for venue information
meta/content.phpDisplays the content for a venue post
meta/details/details.phpContains the details of a venue post
meta/details/address.phpDisplays the venue address in the venue details
meta/details/phone.phpDisplays the venue phone number in the venue details
meta/details/website.phpDisplays the venue website address in the venue details
meta/title.phpDisplays the venue title


The following template is located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/recurrence/.

TemplateWhat it Does
hide-recurring.phpRenders the “Condense Events Series” option in calendar views.

The following template is located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/v2/location/.

TemplateWhat it Does
form-field.phpAdds a location option to the calendar search.


This is a list of templates for events that are created using the WordPress block editor and located at: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/blocks/. Note that these templates go into a different folder in your theme if you plan on overriding them. Instead of creating a tribe-events folder in your theme, these blocks will go into a /tribe/events-pro/blocks/ folder.

TemplateWhat it Does
additional-fields/checkbox.phpThe block for adding a custom checkbox input to an event
additional-fields/dropdown.phpThe block for adding a custom select input to an event
additional-fields/radio.phpThe block for adding a custom radio input to an event
additional-fields/text.phpThe block for adding a custom text input to an event
additional-fields/textarea.phpThe block for adding a custom textarea field to an event
additional-fields/url.phpThe block for adding a custom URL input to an event
related-events.phpThe container for related events
related-events/event-info.phpDisplays the content for a related event
related-events/event-thumbnail.phpDisplays the event thumbnail for a related event
related-events/event.phpThe container for a related event
related-events/title.phpDisplays the title of a related event