Community Events adds pages to your site where people submitting events can access the form to submit or edit, and manage attendees and orders. But sometimes you might want to provide front-end access to these settings and tools to logged-in approved users or even use one of your own pages or posts instead of what Community Events provides out of the box.

That’s what we’re going to walk through in this tutorial. In fact, Community Events and Community Tickets both provide a set of shortcodes you can use to embed forms and event editing functionality within other WordPress pages and posts. We’ll show you how to use these Community Event Shortcodes:

That’s a lot of stuff, so let’s break those down by plugin with examples of what they do and how they work.

Community Events

Community Events is a plugin that extends The Events Calendar to allow visitors of your site to submit events to your calendar. The plugin comes with the pages and forms needed to submit and review events, but the following shortcodes can embed those onto any page you’d like, should you prefer them to be in a specific place on your WordPress site.

Community Events Submission Form

This is the form that allows users to submit events to your calendar. It provides all of the necessary fields and information needed to create an event.

For each of the below shortcodes, you’ll use this shortcode as a base: [tribe_community_events view="[Value]" id="[Post ID]"]

Then, you’ll add a view that identifies which form you’d like to display on the front end. Lastly, you’ll use your Community Events post ID to identify which Community Events form you’d like to display.

Below are the values that you can choose from with Community Events.

ValueWhat it doesExample
my_eventsDisplays a list of events that the currently logged-in user has submitted to the calendar.[tribe_community_events view="my_events"]
submission_formDisplays the form to submit an event to the calendar.[tribe_community_events view="submission_form"]
new_event_urlOverrides the Add New button link to go to a custom URL.[tribe_community_events new_event_url="url where you have entered the CE Submission Form Shortcode" view="my_events"]
event_list_urlOverrides the View Your Submitted Events button link to go to a custom URL.[tribe_community_events event_list_url="url where you have entered the CE Event List Shortcode" view="submission_form"]
edit_eventDisplays the editing screen for a particular event, when used with the event post ID.[tribe_community_events view="edit_event" id="123"]
edit_venueDisplays the editing screen for a particular venue, when used with the venue post ID.[tribe_community_events view="edit_venue" id="123"]
edit_organizerDisplays the editing screen for a particular organizer, when used with the organizer post ID.[tribe_community_events view="edit_organizer" id="123"]

Community Tickets

Community Tickets is a plugin that integrates Community Events with Event Tickets Plus to allow ticket sales on events that users submit to the calendar. The shortcodes are useful for embedding attendee and sales reports.

Community Tickets Attendees Report

If you’d like to display a report of attendees who have registered for a particular event that a user has submitted to the calendar, this shortcode will display that on any post or page. It also provides the user with updated information about the names and emails of registered attendees. [tribe_community_tickets view="attendees_report" id="your_event_id"]

Community Tickets Sales Report

With this shortcode, you can display a ticket sales report for a particular event that a user has submitted to the calendar, providing the number of tickets sold and the revenue from sales. [tribe_community_tickets view="sales_report" id="your_event_id"]