Reocurring event ticketing issues

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    I am having an issue with a site I put up. I have set up a reoccuring event that happens every day. My problem comes in that when ever a person purchases a ticket, the ticket is reserved for the wrong date. It reserves a seat for the first created event for the series.

    Also, is there a way to have the event name change to include the date of the event?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Jameson.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Cliff.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Cliff.

    Hi Jameson. Sorry to hear about this issue.

    I saw someone else reported something similar at

    Would you mind grabbing your system information and pasting it here? Make sure to use the “Set as private reply” checkbox to protect your private information from the public.

    You can find the system info by going to WP Admin > Events > Settings, clicking on the “Help” tab, and scrolling down to the “System Information” box. (Or by going to [yoursite]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar&tab=help)

    That will give me a lot of extra information to help diagnose the problem.

    Would you mind grabbing your system information and pasting it here? Make sure to use the “Set as private reply” checkbox to protect your private information from the public.

    You can find the system info by going to WP Admin > Events > Settings, clicking on the “Help” tab, and scrolling down to the “System Information” box. (Or by going to [yoursite]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar&tab=help)

    That will give me a lot of extra information to help diagnose the problem.

    If you can, please also send a link to such a recurring event where this ticketing issue is occurring.

    Thank you.


    This reply is private.



    Thanks for the reply. I currently only have the one event on my page. Here is the link to the event on the 5th.

    The first time this happened, a client was booking for October 26th. but the system showed her booking for the 25th. the first time it happened I though user error. However, I just had a person try to book for three days in a row…. System shows them booking three tickets for the October 25th.



    Thanks for the details.

    I see you’re using version 3.12 of the PRO plugin. Please update to the latest version (currently 3.12.5) from and let me know if the issue gets resolved after updating.

    Thank you.



    No joy. Just tried to book myself two tickets for different days (November 9th and November 6th) , still appeared on the October 25th event.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Jameson.


    I believe it may be a problem with the ticketing side of the system. I added a new event series and had the same issue with it. I am running a daily commuter service and would hate to have to create an event for everyday of the week, for every day that we operate. This is the reason I built the site on WordPress and used this plug in, so I wouldn’t have to. I have built my wine tour company web page using Drupal and have not had an issue on that in three years. Of course we only have thirty events a year and all are different so I don’t mind building a new page for every one of those.


    Hey! So it turns out I forgot this is a stated limitation of Woo Tickets add-on.

    Please note that right now, recurring events are not supported with tickets, and attempting to set up tickets on a recurrence pattern will not work. We’re working on this for the next major release, since we realize it’s in high demand, and will update this page at that point.

    You can see this feature request at

    Please reply back to confirm you understand the situation.

    Sorry about this. I know we’d all love if this functionality already existed.



    Hey Cliff,

    Thank you for figuring out what the issue is. Let me ask you something, if I create the reoccurring event and have all that I uploaded to the website then individually go into each even and create tickets…
    Would that work? At least then I would not have to create an event for every page but just the tickets.


    Jameson, I’d lean toward no.

    In my testing, I had a single event with tickets, changed it to recurring, and it essentially duplicated the new event (slug of ‘my-event-2’ instead of ‘my-event’) and the tickets weren’t attached to it.

    So I think — not certain — when you edit reoccurrence settings (like if you wanted to change the reoccurrence pattern for an even that’s already recurring), I think it essentially deletes all the existing events and recreates them anew. Assuming this is correct (again, just a hunch, not something I tested/verified), I don’t know if it’d keep the tickets assigned to that.

    Overall, your idea, while creative, isn’t the native way of editing recurring events.

    For these reasons, I’d say you can try it but it wouldn’t be a supported way to go since the product does state that tickets for recurring events isn’t supported. If we edit how recurring events get modified, you could lose all those tickets being assigned to those events.

    One way to go about it might be to ‘duplicate’ an event over and over and then edit each individual duplicate event.

    One of these plugins may (or may not — untested/unsupported) come in handy if you choose to go that route:

    Good luck!


    Hey Cliff,

    OK news… setting up the reoccurring event and then going into each event individually seems to work. I guess once it is broken from the series it stops the issue. This will save a little time from having to create each event page but still takes a while to add each ticket into every event.

    Hope you guys get the update soon. This work around will suffice for the time being.


    Thanks for the update.

    We’re aware it’s a popular enhancement request, but I can’t say it’ll be anytime in the near future.

    I hope all else goes well for you! 🙂


    Jameson, what is your workflow for accomplishing this ? I have set up recurring events with tickets. What are you going back to and editing ? I’m new to this but it sounds like a great workaround till the developers get this working as a feature.


    You guys feel free to exchange ideas here. I just have to chime in within a day or so of each reply because it shows up on my to-do list. Thanks for understanding.


    For prosperity, here was my workaround: Create a recurring event and save it. Then go to all the events one at a time AFTER the initial one created and go to edit event tab, you will see an option to break off recurring event. Do this and add your new ticket. Rinse and repeat. It will save at least a little time until there is an upgrade to the plugin.

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