David Luyendyk

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  • in reply to: Capability to hide Event Add-ons #953669
    David Luyendyk

    Perfect – thanks Barry!

    David Luyendyk

    Awesome answer – thanks for your help Barry!

    I ended up going with a combo of Event Rocket and do_shortcode() which does exactly what I need.

    in reply to: Using additional post types #24924
    David Luyendyk

    Hi Jonah,
    Really appreciate the response. The latest code is http://pastebin.com/WDa45yDE

    What I’ve also done is enter in the same postmeta fields that is used for EC, like:

    _EventAllDay (which every event will be – used for birthdays for example)

    I’ve noticed that while posts do display on the calendar for the date noted, the actual “pop-up” does not work, generated from /views/table.php, which seems to call-in tribe_get_events, which may be the part I’m missing here — as it does have return apply_filters(‘tribe_get_events’, $tribe_ecp->getEvents( $args )); which may be able to be plugged into. Thanks!

    in reply to: Using additional post types #24878
    David Luyendyk

    Thanks again for the previous info – definitely helping me along. I know as you mentioned this is a little outside of the normal support requests, but I’m running into the following:

    ice: Trying to get property of non-object in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/the-events-calendar.class.php on line 2494

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/the-events-calendar.class.php on line 2505

    and looking at those lines, http://pastebin.com/rXdEagyw they are both performing checks to make sure that the current post is indeed the ‘tribe_events’ post type. Is there any way to filter into that? I’ve brought over (and can replicate) the other types of meta fields onto my custom post type, but this check seems to be one obstacle in my way. Thanks again!

    in reply to: Using additional post types #24842
    David Luyendyk

    Appreciate it!

    in reply to: Using additional post types #24832
    David Luyendyk

    http://snippi.com/s/3jqxqca Seems to at least get another post type into the list, but it alters the layout (goes from the month view to a standard post listing view). Any further hints, or still no-go 🙂

    in reply to: Using additional post types #24675
    David Luyendyk

    No – I don’t believe that will be possible. We’re going to be feeding in this information throughout the rest of the website. We’re creating an ‘Employee’ post type, which will hold a butt-load of information about them (and will be regularly imported weekly through a CSV — using TurboCSV). We’re using Advanced Custom Fields to handle all of the extra meta data needed. There will be a searchable/sortable directory, business card ordering, etc — and we’ll be feeding those other areas with this information. We’ll also be using this date to create anniversary and birthday dates on the calendar. I believe this could be done in theory with pre_get_posts(), but was looking for some guidance on how to get them in there. Thanks.

    David Luyendyk

    Hi Casey,
    Thanks again for the continued efforts here. It is in-fact adding in that meta kay (as it returns tribe events just fine in my members_get_member_posts() function just fine). I’ve also been doing some more research and believe the Role Scoper plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/role-scoper/ might be a good fit (and seems to work very well with my testing). Lots of options, but I like the approach and may go that route for now. Thanks again for everyone’s time!

    David Luyendyk

    No worries 😉 Yessir, using a different browser as well. I know this is the part where you’d like to ring me a new one, but currently the site is on my localhost, anyway you can use the code I provided along with a quick Members plugin setup of the roles mentioned to give it a shot on your end? Really appreciate the continued help. Thanks!

    David Luyendyk

    Hi Casey,
    Appreciate the reply. After looking into this a bit more, I realized this wouldn’t necessarily need to be done via the template files and should most likely be done with pre_get_posts(). Here’s what I have so far: http://pastebin.com/C40MHGRv

    The Members plugin saves a hidden meta key of _members_access_role to each post (by post I mean all wordpress content) which is correctly returned if you run a print_r(members_get_member_posts()) but for some reason it is not blocking out all of the content correctly. If you can, please use the example code I have along with the Members plugin installed to see if there could be a filter in the way (or something). Really appreciate it. Thanks!

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