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  • in reply to: Get all Cities related to a repeated event #947149

    HI, thanks for your answer. You understud correctly, I guess your way is correct, and will solve my problem. Thanks a lot

    in reply to: Get all Cities related to a repeated event #944201

    Hi, still me, to be more clear each event has a different ID (post_id) and the same Name (post_title) and i need to get all the Cities (_VenueCity) for all the events with same name (post_title).
    I can’t figure out how to hook the events in the post table with the venue in the postmeta.
    Is it possible? Can you help?
    Thanks again, best regards.

    in reply to: Change Search field with a select option #943871

    Hi, thanks for quick reply 🙂
    I tried that piece of code in the theme-child (Enfold) function.php, but i get an empty serch bar…
    Is this line correct? foreach ( $filters as &$individual_filter ) There’s an ampersand just before the $individual_filter variable. I tried with & and wothout & with the same result.
    Anyway i can build a select with my custom values as you can see here:
    (the original #tribe-bar-geoloc is hidden and updated via jQuery)
    what i can’t do is to is to populate my select options querying the database:

    function selezionaSpettacolo() {
        $dbconn = new mysqli ('localhost','name','password','database');
        if (!$spettacolo = $dbconn->query("SELECT post_title 
    		                       FROM plkt_posts 
    				       WHERE post_type = 'tribe_events'
    				       GROUP BY post_title")) {
    	exit('<p>Errore nella lettura del database</<p>');
    	while ($row = $spettacolo->fetch_assoc()) {
    			$nomespettacolo = htmlspecialchars($row['post_title']);
    			echo "<option value=''>$nomespettacolo</option>\n";
    $filters['tribe-bar-geoloc'] = array(
    		'name'    => 'tribe-bar-geoloc',
    		'caption' => __( 'Near', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro' ),
    		'html'    => '<input type="hidden" name="tribe-bar-geoloc-lat" id="tribe-bar-geoloc-lat" value="' . esc_attr( $lat ) . '" /><input type="hidden" name="tribe-bar-geoloc-lng" id="tribe-bar-geoloc-lng" value="' . esc_attr( $lng ) . '" /><input type="hidden" class="luogo" name="tribe-bar-geoloc" id="tribe-bar-geoloc" value="" placeholder="' . __( 'Location', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro' ) . '"><select id="myselect">' . selezionaSpettacolo() . '</select>'');

    If I try this way(i guess i need a more secure way to connect to db…), the options filds are displayed outside the select, inside the #tribe-events-content-wrapper like:

    <div class="tribe-clearfix" id="tribe-events-content-wrapper"><input type="hidden" value="" id="tribe-events-list-hash">
    <!-- Tribe Bar -->
    <option value="">AN IDEAL HUSBAND</option>
    <option value="">Cicoria</option>
    <option value="">EL PERRO DEL HORTELANO</option>
    <option value="">FAME Jr: the musical</option>
    <option value="">LE COMTE DE MONTECRISTO</option>
    <option value="">LE PETIT PRINCE</option>
    <option value="">SHREK</option>
    <div id="tribe-events-bar">

    Sorry 🙂 Php is not one of my must (I’m better with Html and jQuery).
    Thanks a lot for your time.
    Best regards.

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