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    Thanks Andy, wish that would work for me. Unfortunately, the category page already has working functionality. As I mentioned above, I was citing that the functionality that already exists on the category pages was the functionality I was trying to replicate in creating my own custom query of events, and creating a list of events that appears in a similar manner to the already existing category listings.

    I recommended to my client that we nix that customization, so it’s a moot point now.

    But thanks for the input!

    in reply to: ADD TBD or season ('Fall', 'Winter', etc) to date picker #30990

    Hey Lee,
    Can’t use the categories, as those are already being used for other things. I think to avoid issues with messing up the calendar system, probably best case is to add a “TBD” checkbox using something like Advanced Custom Fields, then setting up an if statement that looks for that option and printing the relevant text on screen, else display start date / end date, etc.


    I wish I could show an example, but the site is private until the initiative goes live this year, so I can’t send out a link to it. 🙁


    I created a custom page template for a custom collection of events revolving around exhibitions at different museums. The page is built with its own wp_query that is drawing in specific events that are related to those museums out of the Calendar. I need to create a .ics that is generated out of that collection of events.

    The Venue pages and the Category pages generate .ics files that compile the specific events that are related to the venue or the category page that you are viewing.

    I need to duplicate that functionality and create a .ics out of the events that are compiled on the custom page template I’ve built, using my custom wp_query.

    I need to create a .ics of th


    for a while I did set up a loop to create a single ical link for each of the events gathered in by that wp_query, but that wound up with this huge long ugly list of single events to subscribe to. Client not thrilled.

    No, what I’m looking to do is to simulate the functionality that creates the .ics on the tribe Category pages, or Venue pages. If you open a Category page, it will show a list of events related to that category. If you click on the iCal button, it will download an .ics that contains only those events.

    I just can’t figure out how to simulate that custom generation of events into a single ics file.


    Hey Jonah, unfortunately doing that still seems to have the entire calendar get pushed into the .ics. I posted my custom query here (just realized I left the if statement in checking for if tribe single ical link is true, I actually removed that in my code)

    Then the while loop runs the tribe_get_ical_link(), but it generates the full calendar’s .ics.

    What I need it to do is take the single event, and merge it together with the any other events that are returned, and then set that up as the .ics, so it’s a compressed, limited set of calendar events that can be downloaded and added to the calendar.

    in reply to: Update "Calendar" Nav Menu Item with "current" class #30266

    oh duh. yeah that is a way easier solution than a function. Oh well.


    Shoot… I am not finding the source of this code. Dangit. I do need help on this. I’ve set up a couple custom pages where I’m using a custom wp_query to create a list of events filtered by a specific tribe_organizer (using my own fields), or a list of events that I’ve further categorized using a couple of custom post_types, again using Advanced Custom Fields. For example, http://pastebin.com/7VJ4cfxV is a custom query I put on a page to list out all events by a specific tribe_organizer, in a single-tribe_organizer.php template page.

    How would I go about using the tribe_get_ical_link() to dump just the contents of that wp_query?


    Sorry, I’m an idiot, I see that the Category page does that already. I’ll keep looking and see how it works, as I need to basically mimic this function for a custom wp_query I put on another page (listing all the events by tribe_organizer, basically).

    in reply to: Organizer Archive Page (similar to Venue Archive Page) #30220

    Just to follow up, as I keep forgetting about this: in my single-tribe_organizer.php file, I reset the loop with this query_post() to grab events that belonged to the organizer page I’m on:


    Using that, as well as some other customizations, theoretically you could recreate an organizer page similar to the venue single page.

    in reply to: Organizer Archive Page (similar to Venue Archive Page) #30124

    Yep, I got distracted and haven’t put together the query for this page to make it similar to the venues page, if you don’t mind leaving it open that long, it may serve someone else trying to do something similar. Thanks! Happy New Year!

    in reply to: Organizer Archive Page (similar to Venue Archive Page) #30086

    I should have posted the link to the WP Codex for templates above, but since I didn’t, I’ll do it here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Type_Templates

    in reply to: Organizer Archive Page (similar to Venue Archive Page) #30085

    Just to update this for anyone else looking for this, it IS possible to update the tribe_organizer post type using register_post_type in your functions.php. As per the WP codex, register_post_type is used to “create or modify a post type”.

    I uploaded an example out of a project I’m working on now here: http://pastebin.com/HzMGiXiF
    —That sets up an archive page for tribe_organizer, rewrites that path to /organizer/ and adds the ability to control the title (and thus the slug) of the organizer post type.

    However, please note that this will not automatically create a neat archive page like the events/single-venue.php creates. Unfortunately, that’s a little bit out of my scope, as for my own project, I just need that page to mimic the events/list.php, except with a custom wp_query to show all events that the selected organizer is attached to (which should be easy enough).

    However, to give you a headstart, you’ll need to create a template file in your main child theme folder (not in the /events/ subfolder) called single-tribe_organizer.php, as per the WP Codex on custom post type templates. That will automatically be used when any single organizer is loaded in.

    From there it should be a matter of mimicking the existing single-venue.php html and styles, and just swapping out the information displayed for organizer specific info.

    I’ll post back in a bit with the custom wp_query to use to display events associated with the organizer. First, though, I need to go get some ice cream. 😉

    in reply to: Mini Calendar: Click month, display events from that month #30084

    Honestly, sometimes I feel like half of my development time is spent trying to figure out which of the 20 possible ways of doing something will be the “correct” one, so I’m actually happy to read that. I was just about to open a new thread about how to do something, where half of it really is just trying to get a feel for the “best” way.

    I’ve lucked out in this situation where my client gave very very specific scope around the calendar: no paging, no grid view, so I have lucked out in that sense. And, considering that the public view templates are all able to be customized in the child theme folder, it’s easy to just hijack them to cover all bases.

    Anyway, I wouldn’t have come up with this solution without having to go through a ton of the back-end TEC code to find the functions to filter, so this helps a bunch.

    in reply to: Mini Calendar: Click month, display events from that month #30080

    Let’s see… so it’s parsing the path for ‘upcoming’, and if the date is located after it… got it. Very cool. I just need to rewrite my anchor tag to add in the /upcoming/ into the path and it works—though I’m going to leave my altered gridview in just in case someone clicks a day, then shortens the url to show just the month.

    This is very cool. Thanks very much!!!

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