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  • nychaps

    Thanks, Cliff!


    Hi Cliff, thanks for the thorough answer. I understand what you’re saying about the events being generated top left to top right. My (and our clients’) issue arises because sometimes — if the events to the right have shorter descriptions — the photo chronology will load from right to left, which is the opposite of how a typical English-speaking user expects the calendar to load.

    Is there anything in the works to create a standard equal-heights grid view in Events Calendar Pro? Is this a known issue?


    in reply to: Upcoming Event Going to End of Events List #1413564

    Not only did I post this in the wrong forum, but updating to the most recent version of Events Calendar solved the issue. Sorry, and thanks!


    I hired a coder to fix this issue:


    in reply to: Increase width of Events page #1344879

    Thank you, Patricia. The look of my events page didn’t change when I added this to my style.css page, either 🙁



    Thanks so much, András. The Advanced Post Manager immediately fixed the wonky event page formatting issue.

    You are correct in your understanding of how the homepage slider/banner works:
    I am not coding it myself. I use the Organic Themes Nonprofit theme. The slider/banner is a built-in feature in this theme. I choose which category of posts I’d like pulled onto the banner/slider, and it pulls those. Currently I have the settings so that my “featured” blog posts are featured in the slider, but that category could be interchanged anything. It pulls whatever category I tell it to, and I created that category.

    In theory, if I’m able to mark my Events Calendar posts with my normal blog post categories, the events should show up in the banner/slider. I pasted in the code from the support ticket that I cited in my original post:

    …but it didn’t work. I’m able to mark the Event Calendar posts with normal blog categories now, but they don’t show up on the places that normal posts labeled under those categories should, e.g. the banner/slider. So I’m able to mark the Events Calendar events as “featured” blog posts, but they don’t show up in the place that my normal “featured” blog posts show up, rendering the marking ineffectual.

    With this are you referring to the setting where you can set an event as “featured”? (screenshot)

    No, I’m referring to the regular blog post category “Featured” that I created.


    in reply to: Increase width of Events page #1344570

    Hi Patricia, thank you for the quick reply. Unfortunately, the code snippet didn’t change anything on my events page. Any idea what could be causing the code not to work? I upped to percentage to 150% and 200%, but there is no change the the events calendar page.

    I did do a fair amount of changing styles in Events > Settings > Display before I submitted this ticket. Tribe Events Styles looks best, but none look as good as the samples on your site because of the content wrapper issue.

    Any other ideas?

    Thanks very much for your time,


    Hi András,

    Thank you for your prompt reply. As a paying customer of The Events Calendar, I appreciate the pointers on using your plugin.

    It looks like you’re right about the categories taking up a lot of room and squishing all of the text. As I said in my previous post, I did some dirty work and added code so that default post categories are displayed in addition to the event categories in an attempt to resolve the banner issue on my own.

    Unfortunately, it looks like the the free Filter Bar plugin you recommended is not free, but $89. Is there another option to resolve this problem?

    I am only trying to show featured posts on the banner.

    Thank you in advance for your solution to these issues.


    in reply to: Increase width of Events page #1343639

    Current blog page

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