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  • in reply to: month or list view in Frech or Dutch issue #1600802

    I took a look to setting-up-the-events-calendar-with-wpml/
    Unfortunately there are some difference between the screenshots in the documentation and the screens of the current WMPL version.
    I join the pdf’s of all settings so you can take a look.

    BUT, I still find it stange that if I use the Dutch language and click on the next month or previous month the month calendar is in french (the same happens in list mode). If I refresh the page (F5) everything appears again in Dutch. I don’t understand why?

    I have good news for you. The Filter bar filters are now translate. The different strings in String Translation admin_texts_tribe_events_filters_current_active_filters were not in Dutch and French translate. Once translated it was ok except a some like reset filters. Those were in other domain.

    in reply to: month or list view in Frech or Dutch issue #1598709

    Hi Andras,

    1.I continued my investigations. For the French language it seems ok. For Dutch however I have still strange things. You go to the website and you look as Month (Maand). You get it in Dutch. When you click on the link of the previous or next month you get everything French. However if you type the url in a separate IE tab or windows or just a right click on the URL then IT IS WORKING!. I tried als owith the twentysevteen theme and the same happens. It is a little bit like the language setting is not used when the screen is refresh and the default language is taken. I did also changed the default language (so Dutch) and French as second language. In this case everything works fine in Dutch but not in French.
    2. I have still an issue with tribe-events-filters-group-headings there are always in English while trive-events-filters-label is well translate. I don’t find those group-headings values to perform the translation. Any idea? Also for the customer filter attributes.

    in reply to: month or list view in Frech or Dutch issue #1594297

    The title bar “Évènements en août 2018” is ok because we are in August
    Looking at the code, my hunch is that this is coming from the theme that you are using. Please switch to a default theme like twentyseventeen and check if you have the issue there as well.
    Answer: indeed with twentyseventeen it is working. What do I have to do?

    If you select the next or previous month suddenly everything is French, which is the default language.
    Please try what happens if you disable the month view caching under Events > Settings > Display tab
    Answer: Was already disabled.

    5, If I am in Dutch and using the Twentyseventeen theme you get everything in dutch. That is normal, but if you select the next or previous month suddenly everything is French, which is the default language of the website. Any idea.

    1, filter bar is for both languages French and Dutch still in English even after update of both .po files from the pot file. I have now activated the theme twentyseven.

    By the way, do you want direct access to the website to make troubleshooting easier?

    in reply to: month or list view in Frech or Dutch issue #1593392

    Thanks for your help. Indeed I don’t get the 404 error.
    1,If you go to You get the french calendar.
    On the left side you see Event category, Organizes, etc in English although in the translation is available. Why?
    2, The title bar “Évènements en août 2018” is ok because we are in August, but you select another month in Évènements en or you select the next or previous month below the calendar the title bar doesn’t change.
    3, When you select Nederlands (Dutch) the title bar is repeated above the calendar.
    4, point 1 is also applicable for Dutch
    5, If you select the next or previous month suddenly everything is French, which is the default language.
    6, there is also something strang when you go from month to list view. You get only one event, while there multiple events.

    in reply to: month or list view in Frech or Dutch issue #1590726

    by the way what do you mean “the pot file from the current version of tec”?
    I use POEdit.

    in reply to: month or list view in Frech or Dutch issue #1590721

    I copied the .po and .mo files from wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lang to wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lang. The problem persists.
    I changed the word Month -> Mois into Month -> Month in the french .po file . Indeed the Option d’affichage you see the English Month but if you select List the “french” url is showned in url bar with of course 404 as error.

    Did you made already any progress? Next Saturday I have a meeting with management of our organisation to look to website and agenda. I hope you can help to solve the problem.

    in reply to: Problems to use the correct language and header text #1583644

    Hi Jeremy,

    Do you have a solution for our problems? Our management would like to go live on August 1.

    Thanks for your feedback

    in reply to: Problems to use the correct language and header text #1582480

    Hi Jeremy

    I have tried your proposal.

    Start with this :

    This is ok

    Change the view to list (lijst)

    you receive an error

    but if you change lijst in list so

    it works.

    Similar for maand into month

    The gray title bar doesn”t change when you select another month.

    I think that there is something else wrong.

    in reply to: month or list view in Frech or Dutch issue #1581793

    Hello Andras,

    Takes to take care of our issue.

    I have done steps 1 to 4 and the ‘cache for language switcher templates’ is still disabled.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t change anything.

    give still an error 404.

    Do you have an idea when the wrong problem with the language switcher will be solved?

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