How can we show Filter Bar on all single event pages?

Home Forums Calendar Products Filter Bar How can we show Filter Bar on all single event pages?

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    How can we show the filter bar on single event pages. We’d like to encourage users to continue browsing events from single event pages.


    Hmm, great question.

    To actually render the filter bar within a single event page is fairly easy – you could add a short piece of code like this to your custom single-event.php template (see the Themer’s Guide for an overview of template overrides and how they work):

    <?php tribe_get_template_part( 'filter-bar/filter-view-' . tribe_get_option( 'events_filters_layout', 'vertical' ) ) ?>

    However, that isn’t enough to make it function exactly as you want it to and you would additionally need to write some Javascript to capture relevant events and take the visitor to a page where the appropriate results can be displayed.

    I’m afraid that’s beyond what we can help you with – but we’d certainly be open to any feature requests you might make with regards to this idea:

    Thanks … and if you decide to dig into this a little more, good luck! It would be great to see what you come up with.


    <p>Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread (and so it will no longer be monitored by staff). If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!</p>

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