Generic function for adding custom taxonomy to the filter bar

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    I had been searching around the forums and saw a bunch of custom implementations, and (thanks to that) using very little effort cobbled together a drop-in set of code (basically taking the category template and modifying a single variable twice) that you can use to easily add as many taxonomies as you want to the filter bar:

    if (class_exists('Tribe__Events__Filterbar__Filter')):
     class Tribe__Events__Filterbar__Custom extends Tribe__Events__Filterbar__Filter {
     	public $type = 'select';
     	public function get_admin_form() {
     		$title = $this->get_title_field();
     		$type = $this->get_multichoice_type_field();
     		return $title.$type;
     	protected function get_values() {
     		$terms = array();
     		// Load all available event categories
     		$source = get_terms( $this->slug, array( 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC' ) );
     		if ( empty( $source ) || is_wp_error( $source ) ) return array();
     		// Preprocess the terms
     		foreach ( $source as $term ) {
     			$terms[ (int) $term->term_id ] = $term;
     			$term->parent = (int) $term->parent;
     			$term->depth = 0;
     			$term->children = array();
     		// Initally copy the source list of terms to our ordered list
     		$ordered_terms = $terms;
     		// Re-order!
     		foreach ( $terms as $id => $term ) {
     			// Skip root elements
     			if ( 0 === $term->parent ) continue;
     			// Reposition child terms within the ordered terms list
     			unset( $ordered_terms[ $id ] );
     			$term->depth = $terms[ $term->parent ]->depth + 1;
     			$terms[ $term->parent ]->children[ $id ] = $term;
     		// Finally flatten out and return
     		return $this->flattened_term_list( $ordered_terms );
     	 * Flatten out the hierarchical list of event categories into a single list of values,
     	 * applying formatting (non-breaking spaces) to help indicate the depth of each nested
     	 * item.
     	 * @param array $term_items
     	 * @param array $existing_list
     	 * @return array
     	protected function flattened_term_list( array $term_items, array $existing_list = null ) {
     		// Pull in the existing list when called recursively
     		$flat_list = is_array( $existing_list ) ? $existing_list : array();
     		// Add each item - including nested items - to the flattened list
     		foreach ( $term_items as $term ) {
     			$flat_list[] = array(
     				'name'  => str_repeat( ' ', $term->depth * 2 ) . $term->name,
     				'value' => $term->term_id,
     				'data'  => array( 'slug' => $term->slug ),
     				'class' => 'tribe-events-category-' . $term->slug,
     			if ( ! empty( $term->children ) ) {
     				$child_items = $this->flattened_term_list( $term->children, $existing_list );
     				$flat_list = array_merge( $flat_list, $child_items );
     		return $flat_list;
     	 * This method will only be called when the user has applied the filter (during the
     	 * tribe_events_pre_get_posts action) and sets up the taxonomy query, respecting any
     	 * other taxonomy queries that might already have been setup (whether by The Events
     	 * Calendar, another plugin or some custom code, etc).
     	 * @see Tribe__Events__Filterbar__Filter::pre_get_posts()
     	 * @param WP_Query $query
     	protected function pre_get_posts( WP_Query $query ) {
     		$new_rules      = array();
     		$existing_rules = (array) $query->get( 'tax_query' );
     		$values         = (array) $this->currentValue;
     		$new_rules[] = array(
     			'taxonomy' => $this->slug,
     			'operator' => 'IN',
     			'terms'    => $values,
     		 * Controls the relationship between different taxonomy queries.
     		 * If set to an empty value, then no attempt will be made by the additional field filter
     		 * to set the meta_query "relation" parameter.
     		 * @var string $relation "AND"|"OR"
     		$relationship = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_filter_taxonomy_relationship', 'AND' );
     		 * If taxonomy filter meta queries should be nested and grouped together.
     		 * The default is true in WordPress 4.1 and greater, which allows for greater flexibility
     		 * when combined with taxonomy queries added by other filters/other plugins.
     		 * @var bool $group
     		$nest = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_filter_nest_taxonomy_queries',
     			version_compare( $GLOBALS['wp_version'], '4.1', '>=' )
     		if ( $nest ) {
     			$new_rules = array(
     				__CLASS__ => $new_rules,
     		$tax_query = array_merge_recursive( $existing_rules, $new_rules );
     		// Apply the relationship (we leave this late, or the recursive array merge would potentially cause duplicates)
     		if ( ! empty( $relationship ) && $nest ) {
     			$tax_query[ __CLASS__ ][ 'relation' ] = $relationship;
     		} elseif ( ! empty( $relationship ) ) {
     			$tax_query[ 'relation' ] = $relationship;
     		// Apply our new meta query rules
     		$query->set( 'tax_query', $tax_query );

    Every taxonomy you want to add is:

    new Tribe__Events__Filterbar__Custom('Taxonomy Name','tax_slug');

    I would advise putting these before the endif.

    That’s all. Hope this helps someone else.


    Hi Frederick,

    Wow, supercool stuff!!! Thanks for sharing this, I’m sure it will be useful for others as well.

    Keep rockin’!


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