Filter Bar Closes Instantaneously on Narrow Screens

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  • #618218

    i am experiencing same issue that alexwg85 reported on July 17th. I see that he fixed it on his site, so i’m hoping there is a solution to be shared.
    When calendar view switches to the mobile (narrow) version, on click the filter bar opens briefly then closes. I have disabled my theme and switched to 2011 and deactivated all other plugins. Any help would be much appreciated!!


    There is indeed a brief flash – best I can tell though it only occurs if you resize the browser screen: when the size is already small (ie, if the main events view opens on a handheld device) this doesn’t occur.

    Are you finding something other than this – or is it only if you manually resize the browser?


    hi Barry,
    the filter bar isn’t behaving very well on iPhone or Android phone either.
    you can see it in action:


    i’m wondering if i could just hide the filter bar for smaller screens using media query? the client would be satisfied with that.


    I don’t see why not.

    For my own interest though (in case the problem is something other than I understand it to be) can I ask if this is indeed something you/your client only see when manually resizing a browser window on a desktop machine? Or do you also see this when you open the web page up in a device that anyway has a small screen size?


    Hi Barry,
    the immediate open/close issue happens on desktop when manually resizing the browser.
    i have also looked at it on iPhone and Android phone. the flash behavior is gone, but the filter is only partially visible. That might be due to the theme or my changes to stylesheet in child theme. you can see it at
    any insights you have would be greatly appreciated!
    thanks very much for your help.


    Hi – I’m very sorry we missed your last post … do you still need assistance with this?


    hi Barry,
    thanks very much. i suspect that the issue has to do with the theme. for the short-term, i simply hid the filter bar when the screen is narrow.
    thanks for checking!!!!


    OK, excellent.

    I’ll close this out. If anything else pops up though or this becomes a bigger problem definitely open a new thread and let us know – thanks again!

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