Changing event to something else (not english language based site)

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  • #941887

    Using Event Calender Pro + Filter addon
    Site is using danish language

    I need to change the word event+event to course+courses
    (in danish begivenhed+begivenheder change to kursus+kurser)

    I have tried using Codestyling Localization plugin – but I get an error+warming regarding ‘Text-domain’

    I have searched the forums here and found these two posts the best. But I can NOT get them to work with danish.
    Again, neither of those two solutions was a succes for me.

    Can somebody help onwards from here?

    All the best


    I want to change the wording ‘Events’ to something else ‘Courses’
    This is the solution:

    As it says it only works in english. I need it to work in another language (danish).
    How to proceed with this problem?

    All the best,


    Hi Jes,

    Thanks for your note. I’m sorry that the tutorial only works with English sites. One option for you is to edit the Danish translation files to change the word Events. However, that can be difficult because the files need to be kept updated as new version of our plugins come out. Plus, your translation can be overwritten when we release new versions.

    I recommend that you try using another string-changing plugin, such as Say What? Hopefully that will work without any errors and make it easy for you to change the words.




    Hi Leah, thanks for responding,

    Say What plugin did not work, neither did the Codestyling Localization plugin (made an error saying “Warning: The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain”)

    Not really sure what to do. Should I go try PoEdit to change the language files manually?

    Payed good money for both plugins. Not really working out for me at the moment. Sadly.

    I suggest a feature in the plugin where you can type in the singular and plugin word to replace Event with something else.

    All the best,
    Jes Conradsen


    So the Say What and Codestyling Localization plugins did not work for me.

    I would really like to request an easier feature to help change event to something else. Preferably in the wp-admin area -> Just add a way write the singular and plural value you would like to change it to. Also it must work even if you change to another translated language (other than english).

    I have ended up getting Poedit up and running, and translated all 3 Events Calender plugins

    • Events Calender
    • Events Calender Pro
    • Filter bar for Events Calender

    It has now been translated, but as you wrote yourself. I have to make sure manually to keep them save and from updates and updated along with new functionality.

    Hard Work.

    Would really like some help as to how this code snippet can work with another language than english:
    That would really help me feel better about the 65$+65$ invested, and able me to recommend Event Calender Pro and add-ons 100% to customers, students and WordPress Community Copenhagen. 🙂

    Please help me, even linking me to ANY ressource that would help.

    All the best,


    Hi Jes,

    I’m sorry to hear that those other plugins didn’t work for you. I’d love to have you submit the setting idea on our UserVoice page– that way other people can vote on the feature too, and encourage us to consider it for a future build.

    As far as I understand, there is not a way to make that snippet work for a non-English site. I am double checking with our developers on that point and on the possibility of another solution that might work for you once our next release comes out. I’ll respond here once I hear back from them. Thank you for your patience!




    Hi again Jes,

    Thanks for your patience. I have good news! We have added a filter so that it is possible to change the word events with just a snippet. It’s not a built in setting, but it’s still a relatively simple thing to do. The change will be available in our upcoming release, 3.10. Once that version is available, we’ll also update the existing tutorial with the new code. Then you’ll just need to plug that in, and you’re good to go. I double checked and made sure that this solution will work for non-English sites too.

    I’ll do my best to update you here when we release the new version and update the tutorial. Thank you for your patience in the meantime 🙂



    That is simply awesome Leah!

    Glad to hear you took this problem, are solving it, and implementing as a great feature!
    I can not wait to test it!
    (I single handedly had to translate the whole plugins danish .mo and .po files)

    All the best, and thanks!



    awfull wanna-be solution for paying customers.

    YOU need to fix your plugin so that po files can be overriden in the client’s theme folder, just like ANY other plugin or theme.

    We need to get your po and mo files, edit the awful translations and place theme in wp-content/languages/plugins/plugin-name/ but that simply doesn’t work because YOU failed to implement it while WE paid for the pro version.

    Fix your game, we are paying customers. fix it.


    Hey Jasper! Rob from Modern Tribe here – I head up the support team and wanted to thank you for the follow-up. I’m so sorry to hear we’ve let you down! It’s always a bummer to see that we’ve disappointed someone, especially in a situation like this where it’s clear someone is frustrated.

    Right off the bat I will mention that if you aren’t satisfied with the plugin and how it handles languages, we’d be happy to provide you a refund if we’re still within 30-60 days of your purchase. We don’t want anyone feeling like they aren’t getting sufficient value out of our product.

    When it comes to the core issue you reported here: it’s an interesting point. I’ll admit though, I’m not sure I entirely understand what you’re requesting. Are you saying you want to be able create your own language files and drop them into the plugin’s “lang” folder? Are you asking that language overrides work the way our template overrides work? Or is your request something different entirely? If you could elaborate, that’d be most appreciated – while the first option should already be possible and I think the middle option would admittedly be outside the scope of our broader roadmap (we haven’t had any requests for this before), I’d love to hear some further thoughts on your goals and examples of how other plugins/themes handle this that we could look to for guidance.

    I will say that while the current way we handle languages seems to work for 99% of our users, we are always open to exploring other options. One option the team has been exploring recently is a move to GlotPress ( for managing our plugin translation files. Would that be a more appealing option to you?

    Let me know. Please keep in mind that we ask users to create their own threads – rather than chime into existing ones – if they have concerns. Please also note that we like to maintain a base level of respect here on the forum…I got the sense from your last note that the tone of certain comments is verging on hostile, which isn’t something I’m going to subject my support team to going forward. We’d really appreciate if you could keep that in mind for future communications.

    Since this was a separate user’s thread, and the core issue for that user has been resolved, I’m going to close this thread. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly (rob @, via email) if you’d like to continue this discussion. I want to make sure your voice is being heard and that we’re serving you in the best manner possible 🙂 Thanks again for your feedback and for helping us improve.


    Rob La Gatta
    Head of Quality + Support, Modern Tribe

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