With Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus, events with tickets have a “Get Tickets” link that appears by default in certain places on the calendar, like list view:

There’s one in the event view as well:

Let’s say we want that to say something else, like “Register Now!” or something. Here’s a snippet that you can use to change the link text to whatever works best for your site:

Change “Register Now!” in this example to anything that you would like, then add this snippet to the `functions.php` file of your child theme, or by using the Code Snippets plugin.

PHP 7.4 version

 * Change the Get Tickets on List View and Single Events
 * @param string $translation The translated text.
 * @param string $text        The text to translate.
 * @param string $context     The option context string.
 * @param string $domain      The domain slug of the translated text.
 * @return string The translated text or the custom text.

add_filter( 'gettext_with_context', 'tribe_change_get_tickets', 20, 4 );
function tribe_change_get_tickets( $translation, $text, $context = "" , $domain ) {

	if ( 
	     $domain != 'default'
	     && strpos( $domain, 'event-' ) !== 0
	) {
		return $translation;

	$ticket_text = [
		// Get Tickets on List View
		'Get %s'      => 'Register Now!',
		// Get Tickets Form - Single View
		'Get Tickets' => 'Register Now!',

	// If we don't have replacement text, bail.
	if ( empty( $ticket_text[ $text ] ) ) {
		return $translation;

	return $ticket_text[ $text ];

PHP 8.x version

 * Change the Get Tickets on List View and Single Events
 * @param string $translation The translated text.
 * @param string $text        The text to translate.
 * @param string $context     The option context string.
 * @param string $domain      The domain slug of the translated text.
 * @return string The translated text or the custom text.

add_filter( 'gettext_with_context', 'tribe_change_get_tickets', 20, 4 );
function tribe_change_get_tickets( string $translation, string $text, string $context, string $domain ): string {

	if (
		$domain != 'default'
		&& ! str_starts_with( $domain, 'event-' )
	) {
		return $translation;

	$ticket_text = [
		// Get Tickets on List View
		'Get %s'      => 'Register Now!',
		// Get Tickets Form - Single View
		'Get Tickets' => 'Register Now!',

	// If we don't have replacement text, bail.
	if ( empty( $ticket_text[ $text ] ) ) {
		return $translation;

	return $ticket_text[ $text ];

Note, $context and $domain parameters are not used in the above example, so they can be omitted. If so, remember to change the number of parameters from 4 to 2 when applying the filter.