We redesigned how the ticket form that displays on event pages in Event Tickets 4.11. Until now, not all compatible themes have updated their templates for tickets yet and, in some cases, there can be a styling conflict of the plus/minus buttons in the ticket form.

Styling the ticket form quantity buttons

If you are having issues similar to the image above, then please try using the following CSS.

#tribe-tickets .tribe-tickets__item .tribe-tickets__item__quantity button {
  border: none;
  box-shadow: none;
  color: black;
  font-weight: 600;
  background: none;

This should remove the unwanted button styles from the plus/minus buttons as shown below.

How the ticket quantity form appears after adding CSS to your stylesheet

It is best to reach out to your theme provider and let them know about it, so they can come up with a fix. And, if you are using the Avada theme, then updating the theme to version 6.2.0 should already contain this fix.