By default, the Photo View image template will pull the full-sized image and resize it to a specific aspect ratio so sometimes, the images will not all be the same size. However, you can create a template override and set the image size to your liking.

You can find the template file here:


Create a copy of this file and put it in your theme folder here:


Open the file and locate this bit of code on line 28:

<?php $this->template( 'photo/event/featured-image', [ 'event' => $event ] ); ?>

and replace with this:

<?php echo tribe_event_featured_image( $event->ID, 'thumbnail' ); ?>

You can replace the word ‘thumbnail’ with ‘medium’ or ‘large’ to use the default WordPress media settings you have set here: WordPress Settings > Media. If you want to create a custom image size that is cropped, you can check out the WordPress documentation on how to create your own image sizes when loading media.

For example, you can use this code to create a cropped image:

add_image_size( 'custom-size', 220, 180, true );

The “true” value indicates this image should be cropped. Paste this snippet within your themes functions.php file or use the Code Snippets plugin. You can learn more about using custom code snippets in our Knowledgebase. Lastly, keep in mind that any images that were uploaded before adding the new image size will not have a new image with the new size generated. To fix this problem, you’ll need to regenerate your WordPress website’s thumbnails using Perfect Images or a similar plugin that regenerates thumbnails. This plugin will regenerate your featured images and retina images and update your media metadata.

You can read more about customizing templates here:

If you’re still having issues with image sizing, we recommend checking out this third-party plugin.