In GigPress 2.3.25 we have introduced a filter that will allow you to modify the country list based on your needs.

Here is a sample snippet that shows you how you can add, remove, and modify countries in the list. This snippet can be placed in your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin. (You can find more about that in this article.)

add_filter( 'gigpress_country_list', 'my_gigpress_country_list');

function my_gigpress_country_list( array $gp_countries ) {
    // Add a country to the list:
    // You can use the Alpha 2 codes from this list:
    $gp_countries['XX'] = 'My Country';

    // Sort array by key (XX)
    ksort( $gp_countries );

    // Sort array by value (My Country)
    asort( $gp_countries );


    // Delete a country, use the Alpha 2 code
    // e.g. to Bahrain from the list:
    unset( $gp_countries['BH'] );


    // Do a custom country list.
    // This will overwrite the default list.
    $gp_countries = [
        'AT' => 'Austria',
        'DE' => 'Germany',
        'CH' => 'Switzerland',

    return (array) $gp_countries;