These are The Events Calendar’s WordPress Post Meta (also known as WordPress Custom Fields) keys and values as they appear in the post_meta database table. These can be useful in custom WP Queries, plugin modifications, and in understanding where and how our plugin stores settings and information. They are four sections, and each key is listed in alphabetical order in their respective sections.

Event Custom Post Type

Specifies an all day event.
Only one possible value: “yes”. Unset or do not specify if this is not an all day event.
Duration of event specified in minutes.
Cost of the event.
Should be a numeric value. 0 = free.
Only used if no ticketing plugin is active.
Possible values: “prefix”, “suffix”.
Only used if no ticketing plugin is active.
String indicating the currency.
Only used if no ticketing plugin is active.
End Date and time of event in this format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Specifies if the event will be hidden from list/upcoming views.
Possible values: “yes”, or “”.
Post ID from wp_posts table for event this event’s organizer.
Method through which the event was added.
Example values: “events-calendar”.
Specifies whether to display a map on the events page.
Possible values: “TRUE”, “FALSE”, or “”.
Specifies whether to link to a third party mapping service with a map pin on the event location.
Possible values: “TRUE”, “FALSE”, or “”.
Only one possible value: “yes”.
Start date and time of event in this format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Optional link to an event’s website/page for more info.
Value is preferably a full URI. If a URL is specified instead the plugin will do its best.
Post ID from wp_posts table for event this event’s venue.

Venue Custom Post Type

Address line(s).
City name.
Country name.
Full address used to get the geopoints from Google Maps.
Latitude of the venue.
Longitude of the venue.
Method through which the Venue was added.
Example values: “events-calendar”.
Telephone number.
If the country is not the United States this contains the full text value of the state/province.
Specifies whether to display a map on the venue page.
Possible values: “TRUE”, “FALSE”, or “”.
Specifies whether to link to a third party mapping service with a map pin on the venue location.
Possible values: “TRUE”, “FALSE”, or “”.
For events in the United States this contains the two letter state code.
If the country is set the United States the value is identical to _VenueState. If country is somewhere else then this value matches _VenueProvince.
Optional link to the venue’s website/page for more info.
Value is preferably a full URI. If a URL is specified instead the plugin will do its best.
Zip/postal code.

Organizer Custom Post Type

Email address.
Title of the organizer.
Method through which the Organizer was added.
Example values: “events-calendar”.
Telephone number.
Optional link to the organizer’s website/page for more info.
Value is preferably a full URI. If a URL is specified instead the plugin will do its best.


_tribe_[Shopping Cart Name]_for_event
Added to products which are actually a ticket for a given event.
Value is the event Post ID.