Release: The Events Calendar 2.0.6

To start off the new month, we’ve got a small update to The Events Calendar/Events Calendar PRO that has just gone live. 2.0.6 is a pretty small release that was mainly pushed because it includes the code needed to run the Community Events add-on, which should be live by the end of the week. In addition to Community integration, 2.0.6 includes the following.

Release Notes for WordPress Events Calendar 2.0.6:

Small features, UX and Content Tweaks:

  • Adjusted the Settings API so it now saves on page load and then redirects back to the page
  • add_cap()s are now wrapped in an if-statement
  • Added proper indentation and spacing to the Events Calendar PRO source files

Bug Fixes:

  • Additional fields no longer wiped when saving changes to events/settings pages
  • Plugin now removes newlines and carriage returns in the process of saving line-separated options for custom links
  • Reviewed/improved $_POST and $_GET variables after a security audit to make sure they’re sanitized before output/saving to the database (to prevent mySQL injects and/or cross-site scripting vulnerabilities)

The next release, 2.0.7, should be out over the coming weeks. Please let us know if you encounter any bugs or problems that appear to have been introduced in 2.0.6 so we can get them taken care of with haste.