Release: Eventbrite Tickets 3.11.1

In what marks our second secondary maintenance release today — hot on the heels of the broader 3.11 updates to our whole plugin suite yesterday — we’ve just pushed Eventbrite Tickets 3.11.1.

Eventbrite Tickets 3.11.1 is a small release, but addresses an issue we noticed in our final pre-3.11 QA and needed a bit more time to diagnose after shipping 3.11. Specifically, a change to the Eventbrite API caused tickets with a cost greater than 0 to error out + fail.

We hadn’t received many reports from users on this, but since Eventbrite’s API change was very recent, it’s possible many haven’t experienced it first-hand yet. Update to 3.11.1 now so you never have to 🙂

If you have any problems with the release, as always, you can hit us up on the forums. We appreciate your support!