Premium Events Calendar 1.1

Events Calendar Pro

We have just released the 1.1 update to the WordPress premium Events Calendar plugin.

For those of you who haven’t checked it out: The Events Calendar Premium plugin for WordPress enables you to rapidly create and manage events using the custom post editor. Features include Google Maps integration, iCal support as well as default templates such as a calendar grid and event list for streamlined one click installation. Check out the full screencast here.


Premium Events Calendar release 1.1 notes:


* Events Calendar widget
* Single event ical import. Uses sp_get_single_ical_link() (must be used in the loop)


* is_home() no longer returns true on an Events view
* Debug mode introduced for users seeing wrong counts in the Events admin view. Turn on and ensure that start and end dates are set correctly before turning off. While debug mode is on, Events will not be sorted by start date properly.
* Some instances where the single.php template in your theme’s events/ directory would not load properly should now be fixed.