The “Other URL” import source allows fetching events that are published on another website using The Events Calendar.


Events could not be imported. The requested URL does not support The Events Calendar REST API.


The site you are trying to pull events from is on WordPress < 4.4 or has disabled the WP REST API infrastructure.


Events could not be imported. The Events Calendar REST API is disabled on the requested URL.


The site you are trying to pull events from supports The Events Calendar REST API but has disabled it.


Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned malformed data.


The site provided data that is malformed and differs to varying degrees from the expected format.

This could be due to a communication error between EA service and the source site or due to a custom modification of The Events Calendar REST API that provides a response in a format we can read.


Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the archive control data.


Similarly to the “Bad Data” error above this happens when the archive page EA Service is trying to fetch provides inconsistent or bad data in regards to the page number, the totals or the format.

This could be due to a communication error between EA service and the source site or due to a custom modification of The Events Calendar REST API that provides a response in a format we can read.


Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the total number of events.


EA Service needs to know how many events exists matching a criteria: if the source site does not provide that information we cannot pull events from it.

This could be due to a communication error between EA service and the source site or due to a custom modification of The Events Calendar REST API that provides a response in a format we can read.


Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned malformed data in regard to the total number of events.


EA Service needs to know how many events exists matching a criteria: if the source site provides that information but it’s not a number then we cannot pull events from it.

This could be due to a communication error between EA service and the source site or due to a custom modification of The Events Calendar REST API that provides a response in a format we can read.


Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching an archive page.


The data returned for an archive page EA Service requested was malformed or inconsistent.

This could be due to a communication error between EA service and the source site or due to a custom modification of The Events Calendar REST API that provides a response in a format we can read.


Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned an empty archive page.


EA Service knows when an archive page is going to be empty but that knowledge is based on data provided by the source site; if the information and the reality do not align EA Service could run into an empty archive page.

This could be due to a communication error between EA service and the source site or due to a custom modification of The Events Calendar REST API that provides a response in a format we can read.


Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the event data.


EA Service could find the event requested but got inconsistent of malformed data when tried to fetch it.

This could be due to a communication error between EA service and the source site or due to a custom modification of The Events Calendar REST API that provides a response in a format we can read.


Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned empty event data.


EA Service could find the event requested but got empty data when tried to fetch it.

This could be due to a communication error between EA service and the source site or due to a custom modification of The Events Calendar REST API that provides a response in a format we can read.


ERROR: Event Aggregator cannot import events from this site.


The website could be the following:

  • Is not a WordPress website
  • Is a WordPress website, but doesn’t have the latest The Events Calendar plugin installed/activated
  • Is a WordPress website, but may be an older WP version that does not have the REST API feature


ERROR: There was an error fetching the results from your import: The connection was not completed correctly. This means the connection is having problems to complete try with a smaller number of events or check if your connection is active.


This can happen in cases where the data source is not supported, for example RSS feeds.