As of Event Tickets version 5.2.7, event and attendee information are included on the WooCommerce order details.

WooCommerce attendee information

What you’ll find here is the attendee registration information that users select, as well as the general event information. You can add custom fields directly to the ticket.

Removing Details from the WooCommerce Page

If you’d prefer to remove the attendee information from the order details, you can add the following snippet to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter( 'tribe_tickets_plus_woo_meta_data_enabled' , '__return_false' );

Altering WooCommerce data

You can use the following filters to alter or add to the WooCommerce meta details:

function tec_test_woo_meta_data_filter( $data ) {
  // Modify anything from the $data here
  return $data;

add_filter( 'tribe_tickets_plus_woo_meta_data_filter','tec_test_woo_meta_data_filter' );