
The Events Calendar provides an RSS feed for events. By default, the pubDate value is changed to the event start date, so the events show up at the time when they happen and not when they were created.

However, this can be changed back to the original publication date (the date when the event was published on the website) with the following snippet.


Copy the below code into your (child) theme’s functions.php file (or wherever you usually put custom code).


The Events Calendar


remove_filter( 'get_post_time', array( 'Tribe__Events__Templates', 'event_date_to_pubDate', 10 ) );


  • Originally written in January 2018
  • Tested with The Events Calendar 4.6.9
  • Author: András Guseo


As with all of our recipes, please note that we share this in the hope it will be useful but without any guarantees or commitments. If you wish to use it, it is your responsibility to test it first of all and adapt it to your needs (or find someone who can do so on your behalf). We are unable to provide further support in relation to this recipe.