After users submit events on your website using our Community Events plugin, they are directed to an “Event Submitted” page.

Event submission page with Community Events

But perhaps you’d prefer to redirect users to a different URL after event submission instead. We’ve got a snippet to do just that.

Redirect users with a snippet

You can use the following snippet to redirect users to a different URL after submitting their community event. Modify the following snippet to include the URL where you’d like users to land and add it to your functions.php file.


* Redirect after community submission


function tribe_submission_redirect() {

if( isset($_POST[
'community-event' ]) ) {

// The url to redirect to

$url = "/event-submission-received";

if ( wp_redirect( $url ) ) {





/** Update required submission fields */

function my_community_required_fields( $fields ) {

if ( ! is_array( $fields ) ) {
return $fields;

$fields[] = 'EventURL';
$fields[] = 'post_content';
$fields[] = 'EventStartDate';
$fields[] = 'venue';
$fields[] = 'organizer';
$fields[] = 'EventURL';

return $fields;


add_action( 'tribe_events_community_before_event_submission_page_template',
'tribe_submission_redirect' );

add_filter( 'tribe_events_community_required_fields',
1 );