By default, the Tickets Plus attendee list shows the name and email of the purchaser along with the pertinent ticket and order information. With this snippet, you can also display the purchaser’s phone number in this list, showing right beneath the email.


To add the phone number, copy the snippet below and paste it into your theme’s functions.php file.


add_action( 'event_tickets_attendees_table_ticket_column', 'tribe_add_phone_to_attendee_ticket_details' );

function tribe_add_phone_to_attendee_ticket_details( $item ) {

	if ( ! isset( $item['order_id'] ) )

	$phone_number = get_post_meta( $item['order_id'], '_billing_phone', true );

	if ( ! empty( $phone_number ) ) {
		printf( '<div class="event-tickets-ticket-purchaser">Phone: %s</div>', sanitize_text_field( $phone_number ) );