How to Translate Your WordPress Site in Any Language

100% complete translations for top five languages

The Events Calendar comes standard in English, but did you know that you can translate that calendar into any language? To better serve our international users, we’ve dedicated resources to fully translate the top 5 language files for Events Calendar PRO, Event Tickets Plus, and Tribe Common.

In many ways, the Internet has made our world smaller than ever before. Distance and language are no longer barriers to business or communication. Although English is the most popular language used on the Internet, it’s the third most popular language spoken around the world. With that in mind, we’ve translated our plugins completely into some of the most popular languages spoken throughout the world.

Languages Translated 100%

The following languages are 100% translated for Events Calendar PRO, Event Tickets Plus, and Tribe Common:

  • German
  • Italian
  • French (France)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Japanese

To download the translation files for these languages (as well as others that are currently in progress), please visit our translations site.

More Languages to Come

We love the diversity represented in our user base! While these 5 languages are the only ones 100% translated right now, we have many other languages and other projects available with varying degrees of completeness.

As our team continues our translation progress, we welcome contributions from the community for new language translations and updates to existing translations. If you would like to contribute, our translations knowledgebase article explains how to help. You can check out all of our articles on translations in our archives.

Need Help?

Our support team hosted a live webinar to help users navigate our translation files, integrate with 3rd party translation plugins, and answer common troubleshooting questions. You can view the translations webinar recording here.