Featured WordPress Events Calendar: Ginger and Baker

Here we have a perfect example of how you can create a WordPress events calendar to meet all of your needs, no matter what kind of events you’d like to showcase. Ginger and Baker is not your typical restaurant. Or cafe. Or kitchen. Or bakery. It’s all of those packed together in a historic building just north of Downtown Fort Collins in Colorado that owner Ginger Graham remodeled into the operation it is today.

With so much activity, Ginger and Baker relies on an online calendar of events both to promote happenings and help visualize everything. We’re talking about weddings, cooking classes, corporate meetings… the works!

The Ginger and Baker website is built in WordPress and, as such, they have turned to The Events Calendar as their platform for highlighting and showcasing events. No arguments from us over here on our team! 😃

WordPress events calendar

What makes the calendar so nice is the way it seamlessly integrates with the overall design of the site. It uses bold red as the primary color, implements custom fonts, and removes a lot of the extra affordances (e.g. search and other calendar views) to maintain the stark, minimal look and feel that is echoed throughout the site.

What can you learn from Ginger and Baker’s calendar? Well, first off, it’s a perfect example of just how flexible The Events Calendar is. Sure, installing the WordPress events calendar is as simple as a single click to activate the plugin. But that’s just like going to Disneyland riding the tram into the park and calling it a day. What Ginger and Baker have done is maximized the already powerful features included in the plugin and put them to use in the plugin’s comprehensive settings. They’ve also taken advantage of The Events Calendar’s template overrides to customize the overall looks and feel consistent with the rest of the site.

Another takeaway? Getting this same sort of calendar can cost as little as zilch. Everything you see comes baked right into The Events Calendar, which is freely available in the WordPress plugin directory. Simply install, activate, and start customizing—it’s really that simple.