Announcing Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus

Hey folks, we’re happy to announce that updates for Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus are now available. Both come on the heels of last week’s maintenance release because they bring back the attendee list to the classic WordPress editor and clean up a few things to make sure the plugins play nice together.

In most cases, you will be able to take advantage of automated updates directly in WordPress, but if that’s unavailable for any reason, you can download the plugins from the downloads page in your account then update manually.

To see all of the changes included this maintenance release, check out the changelogs for all updated plugins below:

Event Tickets

  • Fix – We noticed that we were making explicit queries to the wp_posts database table. That’s fine and dandy, but not if a site is making custom requests to a different table. So, we abstracted our queries to play nice with other themes and plugins where that might be the case.
  • Fix – We updated a couple of references to The Events Calendar in the code that should have been Event Tickets. We don’t want our plugins having an identity crisis or anything. 🙀
  • Tweak – We adjusted a couple of wires under the hood of the plugin welcome screen, including the newsletter signup form.
  • Language – 0 new strings added, 8 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

Event Tickets Plus

  • Fix – We heard that attendee lists were busted when trying to access them when editing events in the WordPress classic editor. That’s no longer the case!
  • Fix – We’ve assumed that users get to the WooCommerce cart and checkout screen from a page, post or event when purchasing tickets. That may not always be the case, depending on customizations made to the checkout flow, so we’ve accounted for additional ways that users may arrive there to prevent conflicts.
  • Fix – There could be issues when either WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads are deactivated. For example, that could affect which database tables to query attendee information against. We’re proactively making sure to avoid that so there are no conflicts when Event Tickets Plus tries to fetch, say, the Purchaser Name or Purchase Email. Those are kind of important.
  • Language – 0 new strings added, 2 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

Not Updated This Release

The following plugins have not been updated this release and will remain at the version numbers specified here: